MovieChat Forums > Sparkle (1976) Discussion > Question? (possible spoiler)

Question? (possible spoiler)

I've seen this movie several times and there's one thing I can't figure out. Did the mother know about the relationship between Stix and Sparkle? Everyone else did obviously. On the one hand, it seems as if they tried to conceal it from her by Stix not coming around at night anymore and him only walking Sparkle halfway up the stairs when taking her home. But on the other hand, Sparkle dedicated "Loving You Baby" to Stix on stage, where her mother could hear it, and it was Sparkle's mom that convinced her to forgive him for leaving and taking that job upstate. I think she said something like, "Sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do. I know he left you, but he came back didn't he?" So was she encouraging Sparkle to forgive him as a friend or as a boyfriend? And if they had her mother's blessing why did they hide the relationship or was that just the way it appeared to me? Any thoughts on this? Thanx.


She knew that stix was a good boy and would never do anything to hurt Sparkle. He respected her and treated her like a lady. Well, apart from the sneaking around on the roof, he was a good guy. Effie saw that quality in Stix, which was why she asked Sparkle to forgive him when he returned.




At the beginning of the movie (when they were sneaking around) Sparke was still a kid, I think she said that she was 15. I think stix was at least 18. That's why Delores was teasing her about the nosey neighbor seeing them "messing". If you look at all the characters it seems to me that they where getting older. They went from having to be inside and off the stoop b4 dark to singing in nightclubs. I just assume that Sparkle was atleast 18 or 19 by the time Stix left. When Stix came back and was in Sparkles bedroom with her she said something about counting the mins, hrs, days, wks and months since he had left. she never went up to yrs so my guess is that he was gone less than a year. I may be wrong but from putting 2 and 2 together I guessed from the beginning to the end was maybe a 5 or 6 yr span. That's why I don't like movies that don't keep up with the timeline. Its so confusing.
As far as Effie, she knew that Stix was a good young man, he was respectful, respectable, he had a future and most of all he loved Sparkle and she loved him. He was a welcome change from that no good, drug pushing, woman beater Satin.
