Loved The Portayal Of The Sheriff Of Nottingham
He was older, wiser, and less prone to unfair treatment. Even so, he informed the Baron early on that Nottingham was HIS county. However, his current reign is benevolent, not overly oppressive. He too has a limp, as well as a generally slower movement that comes with ageing.
He simply asks Robin not to interfere with the roundup of the clergy(including at that moment Marian), that he is a free man and to move along. At the final standoff at the edge of Sherwood Forest, he informs the Baron once again that he is in charge of the King's men while in Nottingham and that there would be no attack in the forest. He wants to wait Robin into a possible surrender(hoping to spare Robin's life in the process).
The Sheriff has developed a respect, a liking of Robin(and Robin of the Sheriff) and asks Robin to simply yield in their fight so as to end the bloodletting for good. But old pride is hard to overcome.
Robert Shaw, who in just a few years would be prematurely dead, gives an unforgettable,layered, and nuanced performance. Sean was also excellent, but for me this is Robert Shaw's movie! And Robin And Marian is a near-great movie.