MovieChat Forums > Revenge of the Cheerleaders Discussion > The original SIX cheerleaders

The original SIX cheerleaders

I have to admit, I didn't even notice when I watched this the first time. But in the opening scene where the girls are driving in the convertible and a few of them take their tops of changing, there are six cheerleaders instead of the main five we get through the movie. And Helen Lang, the brunette who played Leslie, isn't one of the group. Apparently two of the girls refused to do any topless scenes and so when the production took a break after filming for seven days, they were fired and replaced with Helen Lang. So then we have the main five girls. There are a few scenes through the movie where you see the original girls still there - the dance scene in the Lily Downs diner, and another dance number that is taking place outside the diner later in the movie. But since these girls didn't have any lines in the parts that were shot, you don't really notice and just assume they are other girls in the school. One of them is listed in the credits of the movie. On the commentary track for the Shout Factory blu-ray the director gives both of their names, but I don't remember the other one.

Definitely a win for the audience, as Helen Lang was up to the role, flashing flesh and sucking seductively on a banana:
Very short career (4 movies in 1975-1976) and then sadly died in 1994 at the age of only 42.
