The gun rack makes no sense
Besides the predictable slapstick with the salute and flower vase (not everything just STICKS to your hands unless you want it to, it's so unrealistic), the gun rack absolutely makes no sense.
First, WHO puts guns on a rack that way, where they can easily fall?
Second, why would the guns not be SECURED to the rack so they can't become loose so easily?
Third, who the !@%"* would keep live ammo in a gun that's supposed to just rest on a rack??
You don't keep BULLETS in a gun that's not in active use, you don't put a loaded gun on a rack! WHO thought this would be realistic in any way on any level? Even a bunch of retarded kids with water instead of brains would know better, they wouldn't even put loaded water pistols on a rack, this makes NO SENSE!
The people that wrote this CLEARLY didn't understand how anything works, this movie is really, seriously limboing under the lowest point a movie can and still be called a movie. Holy cow.. .the more I watch this, the less sense anything makes.
I know this is a comedy, but Naked Gun movies and Spaceballs made more sense than anything in THIS movie! Yet, this movie isn't even very funny. It's just predictable slapstick or nonsensical crap that could never happen, so it takes away from the immersion, which renders the joke unfunny and flat.
Heck, the gun rack in Wayne's World makes more sense.
No wonder I have always thought there's only one good 'The Pink Panther' movie, and this is not it.