One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

In Pink Panther Strikes Again, at the Oktoberfest, right after the President's aid says it will be like a shooting gallery, the scene shoots to the "Willkommen zum Oktoberfest" sign; then there is a shot of a farris wheel. Then, the camara is on the crowd, a boy is eating cotton candy and walks behind an old women, then you see Clouseau. Behind Clouseau, to the right is someone that looks exactly like Mr Harding from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, it must be him, check it out. He is in the frame for about 5 seconds, so you should have enough time to spot him and recognize him.


It looks like him but I doubt If it actually is.

Another possible link to that film is the guy dressed up as a Red Indian at the asylum.
