I was in this movie

Not that anyone cares, but I was an extra in the crowd scene when the UN building gets zapped. All I want to know is, when am I gonna get my Academy Award I so richly deserve? I was lied to....AGAIN!


Really thats so funny because so was i,i was in the crowd scene aswell,small world.curios what did you think of the new 2006 remake.


I thought the new movie visually was a stunner and the production values were higher than most of the earlier ones, but the pacing was slower than a paralyzed snail going uphill in setting cement. You could easily spot Martin's clever and witty bits of the sublime, but they were precious few of them and far too long intervals between.


I am interested to know - where was the filming location for the castle shown in this film?


The castle itself (at least in the long shots) is a matte painting. Dont't know where they filmed the rest.


It says here http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0075066/locations that is was filmed on Château d'Anet Link: http://www.chateaux-france.com/anet/
James Bond movie Thunderball was filmed there as well!


You're surely lucky. This is my favourite movie ever. I could watch the parallel bars scene 357239927692192350 times again and again...Sellers was a genius indeed.



That was a stunt double on the parallel bars, but I don't disagree that he was a genius.


Watched the movie yesterday, and the parallel bars should be rated the best scene in a movie ever! Just thinking of it, makes me laugh!


I know that, you can tell that because it's shot from his back. But I meant the whole 8 minutes of the movie when he enters the house. The parallel bars are just the highlight.


The part with the paralel bars had me rolling on the floor laughing. "Ah yes, I remember WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH"


"That felt good"


LOL!! Whenever my dad sees the parallel bars scene he laughs his head off! Many things happen in the scene where Clouseau is in the house talking to Jarvis the butler (played by Michael Robbins, who played Arthur in "On the buses") but the parallel bars scene is just the best part!

SPIDER PIG!! Loving the simpsons movie!
