Korman's Balls vs Stark's Balls

I figured this would be the best page to debate who the better Balls was. The 'Revenge' people would probably vote Graham Stark while the "Trail and "Curse" folk will vote for Harvey Korman.

So we all know Harvey first portrayed Balls in this film but it got cut. Looking at Korman's Balls and Stark's Balls, who do you like better in the role?

I enjoyed Korman more. I thought he was funnier and brought a lot more character to the role. The only time I thought Stark was funny was when he was bandaged up after the bomb and his middle finger was pointing out. With Korman I laughed a lot more.

PS: this post is full of puns, isn't it? :)


Good topic. I gotta choose Korman, he was so silly in everything he was in,
he could have almost been a Python!


Stark. Had much better chemistry with Sellers, which is logical considering they'd known eachother since the 40s.


Korman. Way funnier.


... so his were Nice Balls!!!
