MovieChat Forums > Murder by Death (1976) Discussion > God Peter Sellers killed it

God Peter Sellers killed it

When I mean that I mean he literally killed the movie. Not a good thing. A english man playing an Asian man. Was that supposed to be a joke. That being said it wasnt funny. Therefore everything he said in the movie wasnt funny. Meaning every scene with him in it was terrible. Leading to terrible movie. Thanks Peter.


I couldn't possibly disagree with you more. Peter Sellers was a terrific actor, who contributed greatly to the success of this film.


I understand you. Believe me I do. But if they wanted an Asian to play a detective they should have hired and Asian. Why hire an Englishman Thats disrespectful for the Asian community. To hire and Englishman to play an Asian part? I mean really.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”


I think they were poking funny at the casting of the old Charlie Chan movies.


It's just hideously distracting.
Almost as bad as Rooney in Tiffany...

Real LOSERS spell 'loser' looser!


Agreed. The movie would have been better if they had someone of Oriental descent playing someone Oriental. Not an Englishman. Instead of finding it funny if found it completely dumb. And for those who found it funny then, knock your self out with this comedy.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”


You need to stop being a typical "politically-correct" democrat. Seriously.


Don't hate brah. I bet you thought Animal House was funny too.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”


I'm really not sure if this is a joke, one of them troll pickles or you actually believe what you are writing.

Peter Sellars playing an Asian is the whole point. Sidney Wang is based on Charlie Chan a Chinese detective played in films by a Swede.

The whole film is parodying all the old murder mystery films, your Agatha Christies and Poirots. You can't have an Asian actor playing a spoof of Charlie Chan, it wouldn't work.

Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's is an entirely different thing. We can all look back at films from 50 years ago and shake our heads in disgust at the racism/sexism/homophobism (I'm sure that's not a word but I cant think of the right one) but that was a different time. Thankfully we live in an enlightened age where Asian characters are played by Asian actors.

If anything, Murder by Death was before its time in that it highlighted the ridiculousness of a white actor playing an Asian character. No-one that watches MBD sees Sidney Wang and thinks "Ooh what a good Asian actor he is," they think "Ooh what a funny parody of all the ridiculous films where white actors played Asian characters."

Well, the ones that got it do anyway


Awooga awooga, abandon shop, this is not a daffodil!!!!


Yeah, this guy gets it.


Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's is an entirely different thing. We can all look back at films from 50 years ago and shake our heads in disgust at the racism/sexism/homophobism (I'm sure that's not a word but I cant think of the right one) but that was a different time. Thankfully we live in an enlightened age where Asian characters are played by Asian actors.

Homophobia. Other than that, your post is 100% spot-on.



Thanks, my brain got stuck in an "ism" loop


Awooga awooga, abandon shop, this is not a daffodil!!!!


I was about to reply with exactly the same point - glad you beat me to it kelieann. Yes, the OP (and several others here) missed the entire joke! Charlie Chan was never played by an Asian, so having him properly cast here would not be funny. And in fact, having his son actually be of Asian descent added to the wonderful ridiculousness.


People aren't oriental, items, such as furniture, are.


How can one person be so horribly wrong?



I blow my nose at you and all your silly English k-nnnnniggets.


I think you people should stop watching 70's films and stick to the pc protected films of today. Peter Sellers nailed his role to perfection and had the whole audience in stitches!!


Excuse me, sir/madame, but the OP has every fracking right to be pissed off at this white-facing that's gone on (and still goes on) in Hollywood today. It's time that POC's (peoples of color) be seen more in films and TV generally (and no, it's not 'PC', it's a human right like any other). It looks like you need to have some facts pointed out to you:


I'm not sure about how serious you are about this. But MBD is spoofing the very things you criticize, and therefore is the wrong target for that kind of indignation.

We interrupt this program to annoy you and make things generally irritating.


Let's give the OP the benefit of the doubt, though. Depending on age, not everyone may be aware of Charlie Chan and everything that this movie is spoofing. I see Mickey Rooney in Tiffany's mentioned (which *is* pretty offensive if you can't put the casting in the context of the time). But Tiffany's was in the 60s. Charlie Chan was in the 30s. There's a completely different awareness here.

I think it's hilarious and disagree with the OP. But I don't know how much the OP knows about what's being poked fun at.



Most definitely there would be a subject on this.
You, idiot, didnt get the humor at all. And Peter Sellers character is probably the most succesful at it in the entire movie. Why?
Because every single character is a stereotype, stereotyped out of the wazoo. Im betting the actors got the order to stereotype their character as best as they could. And goddamn, Sellers is HILARIOUS.
Racist? Heck no.

I so pitty people like OP totally devoid of humor.



Without Peter Sellers the movie would have missed all the funny moments. Like, "Talking cow on wall," and Truman Capote/Lionel Twain yelling, "Moose, you imbecile, moose."

The entire movie is politically incorrect.

Get a sense of humor.


Talking cow on wall," and Truman Capote/Lionel Twain yelling, "Moose, you imbecile, moose."

6% of scientists are republican. Scientists have no explanation why that number is so high


You have to be kidding... It was funny with sellers as the Asian. That's the whole point!!! Putting an Asian in would NOT have been funny. Get a life troll


Well no - he killed it. In the good way. A good thing. Moron.
