MovieChat Forums > The Missouri Breaks (1976) Discussion > a Goof in Goofs (cars in the background...

a Goof in Goofs (cars in the background?)

In the Goofs section there is this statement:
•Anachronisms: SPOILER: Just before the scene in which Little Tod is being drowned by Robert E. Lee Clayton, a modern highway with speeding automobiles is visible on the far off banks of the Missouri River.


I just watched the film twice and took particular note of this scene.

What is white and moving in the background is the rough deep part of the river so what appears to be automobiles is actually the river rapids.

BTW, the scene was shot in the shoals, the river at that point was only a couple feet deep. It was safer for the actors and crew.

Terry Thomas
Character Actor and Film Unit Stills Photographer
Atlanta, Georgia USA
