
I'm a screenwriting student, two semesters shy of a B.A., and just wrote a first draft of a remake of this film among my other projects. Before anyone attacks me don't worry, while it is a fairly loose remake, I didn't turn it into a dumb Hollywood shoot em-up complete with over the top heroics, glaring historical inaccuracies and a syrupy happy ending. Please respond if you'd like to know more.


sounds interesting, depp can stand in for Brando, not do justice to brando, but still give it a shot.let me know

"Im just a bum sitting in a motor home on a film set, BRANDO said, and they come looking for ZEUS".


I thought about it but am trying not to write the characters with any one actor in mind for them. That said Clayton in my version is purposefully very different from the one in the film so whoever would be cast could create their performance independent of Brando's.


Brilliant, absoultely brilliant dude

I myself am a screenwriting student and am writing a film called The California Cuts (and yes i have a paton on that title lol) which is somewhat based on "Breaks" but set in the 90s and in Cali with a different type of heist. Because horses aren't valuable anymore, because we are no longer pioneers. I have Depp in mind for my Lee Clayton type of character. And if my agent can get Depp on board, I will be a very rich man!


I'd definitely like to know more about it maybe even read the script once you were done writing it.

"If you want art, don't mess about with
movies. Buy a Picasso"



I see you posted that 9 years ago. I wonder what you've done since then.

If you're still doing a remake of this film, if it were I, I'd go back to the book first and start with that as the skeleton. I would put some references to this film for fans, esp. some of the famous Brando lines. But as you say, don't keep a specific actor in mind.

...or actress. How 'bout Scarlett Johansen in the Clayton role?
