Not dated one bit.

The days of 50s style westerns are dead and long gone. "Revisionist" might have been the term given to this one at the time but the term is no longer necessary today as audiences see the Old West in no other way than as shown here. If it were released today it would be better received than it was back then and as well received as True Grit. I'm not suggesting a sireee!


Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but wouldn't this movie make a great musical?


Nope - It was crap in 1976 and it is still crap now.

The church may shout but Darwin roars


Re: "Not dated one bit"

The same thought struck me the last time I viewed it in 2006. I just saw it again today. It was ahead of its time and holds up today; one of my favorite westerns.
