Opening scenes
I saw this in the theater when it first came out in 1976 and have seen it many times since. I love the xylophone music in the background during the opening scenes, wish I knew the name. I can play the bass part on the piano, it has that odd 5/4 time signature. That guy in a suit watching Newton's first steps, I always assumed he was someone from the government that was tracking Newton from the start. Later in the movie when Newton starts to fall apart we see some unknown guy standing over his bed watching him suffer, makes me think it's the same guy or from the same organization.
I like the scene where Newton is scared by the huge funhouse face rocking back and forth, thinking for a second that's what earthlings are like. Then he sees his first earthling, the drunk sitting on the amusement ride. Which to me foreshadows Newton himself becoming one of those drunk earthlings.
I despise the directors cut, or whatever it's called. With Nathan Bryce's sex scenes that somehow Newton is telepathically picking up on. I can see why it was left out of the original cut, it was pointless. And the scene with Newton and Mary Lou and the pistol, completely pointless.