Enough Sex?
Geez, There's alot. I know that some of it is needed, character development and all, but I have no idea how this is rated R. I would've cut back a little on the Sex & Nudity, but oh well. Great movie nonetheless
shareGeez, There's alot. I know that some of it is needed, character development and all, but I have no idea how this is rated R. I would've cut back a little on the Sex & Nudity, but oh well. Great movie nonetheless
shareCut back on sex and nudity???
Are you out of your mind? I just wish Candy Clark was cuter and firmer. I also wish more chicks had been in this movie - as nudes.
Why waste an R rating if you cannot get some gratuitous nudity? May as well go PG.
We need a grass roots movement to bring back more nudity (females of course) into movies and stop wasting an R rating on violence and language.
females of course?
it's all preference you worthless she-devil.
there's obviously some part of you that doesn't get it;
do you see alot of dicks in maintream movies? Uh... no.
Do you see entirely naked woman in most movies? Um, yeah. Very much.
So before calling me a bitch, take a look at your average movie and take into consideration that "full frontal" is just that: full frontal. Sorry for you, women's "full frontal" happens to be pubic hair. They're not gonna start creeping up between their legs just so you can see the inside. Please.
And i stand by what i said: why should there be naked woman just to please males? I'm aware that it's heterosexual, but the way it was formulated made him sound like yet more girls should get undressed for the viewing pleasure of men. And frankly, that's just not something i agree with.
Sorry if I didn't say it right, i can see you're much more polite.
I'm a straight male, and even I see that there is something wrong, and I've tried explaining this very position to many people. It is so difficult to get them to see the problem, or to admit it might even exist, without reacting as if you're asking them to admit homosexuality or something. How can a simple empathy for female movie-goers be so easily misunderstood? How can the situation still be so clearly uneven when there is so much PC-mindedness happening around us? Maybe I'm having too much of a man's point of view here thinking that women want to see dongs just as badly as I want to see T&A? I've heard many forms of that hazy myth about women being more chemistry/love-oriented while men are more physical, but I have to assume they get something out of seeing a naked man that is more than just acknowledging equal representation. It is quite simple, if the male demographic is considered with this sort of fan service, the woman demographic should be as well. To freak out at the sight of a dong is a little silly when you know women endure their own anatomy being shown on the big screen the other 90% of the time.
I am not trying to accuse kevin_jane of this sort of insensitivity, but I must acknowledge pinkicity's frustrations with cinema being largely male-centric.
My favorites:
while watching this, i kept thinking "come on, with so many tits we're seeing, we better get a glimpse of Bowie's junk," and I'm a lady - so yeah, i guess girls do get some cheap thrill out of seeing the opposite sex's member. but i think a reason why we don't see so many dicks on the screen while we still see T&A is because there are more guys who are made uncomfortable when they see a nude male while fewer ladies are nervous around bare breasts. for example, i went to see The Watchmen with a sort-of friend of mine (more like an acquaintance) and he kept cringing and making stupid noises whenever he saw that blue guy's schlong and had the gall to tell me that my tits were nicer than the girl's during one of the love scenes. and he's older than i am. so, needless to say, i'm no longer friends with him, but i think he's not the only guy in the world who has that sort of train of thought while watching a movie consisting of nudes.
In this country, all Americans deserve equal rights… appletini.
while watching this, i kept thinking "come on, with so manyI think if you squint, you can just make out the silhouette of his sampan. share
tits we're seeing, we better get a glimpse of Bowie's junk
More than that. They show it twice, although briefly, during the gun/sex scene. Rip Torn's, too.
shareAt least two penises can be seen... Rip Torn's and David Bowie's.
It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!
The penis is a reproductive organ, just as the vagina is.. you don't see very many shaved vaginas in movies either; showing breasts is more akin to showing a man's chest - you can't reproduce with breasts
..or maybe not, lol - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DksiuYD1bYM
But it sure helps.
sharefemales of course?
lol, is that the new word for heterosexual?
why would a straight man want to look at other men naked?
but then again, i'm not so sure, lol - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PSVP9LuRhU
What was the point of the lecturers sex scenes, Was it just to say he liked his students a little too much.
Captain Jack:. ‘....Savy’
He's going through a mid life crisis and getting jaded in his job. It was a reason for him to leave the university and work for World Enterprises.
Note that two of the women also compare him to their dad... very Oedipal!
It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!
No. Healthy hetero male.
shareya dude, that would be so f'ing cool. We need to like make rules and sh*t where like chicks in movies always had to be naked. No naked dudes though. That would be totally gay.
*shakes head* woah, sorry. My 13 year old self just took control and started posting.
This is called desensitization to the female body.
The female body is amazing
Not a piece of meat for 14-year-olds and drunk college kids only to lust over. I say there should be more nudity in movies only if it is at least somewhat artistic.
Most of the sex was cut for the original US release which is how it got its R rating. Since the uncut version has been released I think the "R" quoted on many websites (including this one) and even on some of the home video releases is dubious; if the uncut version were resubmitted for rating it would almost certainly get a (strong) NC-17. However, the sex is also done for the most in an artistic manner and does not seem, to me, gratuitous
shareI understand you, and yes, some is artistic, but some of it does just seem unnecessary, or too long
shareI thought the sex in this movie was actually very well done. It was artistic and truly integral to the plot. Bowie sees visions through his eyes and the first sex scene between him and Mary Lou is something that he longs for, intimacy, but knows he'll probably never get the chance.
Candy Clark was/is a beautiful girl. She was very beautiful in the movie. Bowie, of course looked great, although at the height of his coke use, which is definitely noticeable at parts, which only makes his portrayal of Newton all the more believeable.
I agree, elven path! I mean, it's a matter of personal preference, I guess. But I think the sex scenes in the film are very well done. They are pretty graphic even by today's standards, but a graphic sex scene can work to a film's advantage if it's done right. I thought the scenes were essential to both character and plot development, and in particular I thought the scene between Candy Clark and David Bowie during younger, happier times was beautiful and touching, while the later one with an older Candy and a more drunk and defeated Bowie illustrated how degenerated they had become. If you want to see how graphic sex can fail miserably in the context of a film that's intended to be "daring", "artful", and "intellectual", watch 9 Songs. With no plot, no point, and an extremely unlikeable (though physically attractive) female lead, that movie amounts to the world's most pretentious porno.
shareI'm afraid I must disagree with you on one point. The phrase "graphic even by today's standards." Considering that today's standards are far more puritanical and retardedly prudish than they were in the sixties and seventies and that we've gone BACK in time when it comes to acceptance of sex and nudity, well... that's my point right there. People today are morons when it comes to the natural human body and the natural things you do with it. Torture and violence is all well and good, but are there BOOBS in it oh noez!!
- - -
Whether they find life there or not, I think Jupiter should be considered an enemy planet.
To be honest I think films were better when the violence and gore were far less and you had to use your imagination more.
sharehang on a sec, now i'm curious. i just watched a version of this film that i rented from blockbuster that was marked with an R rating. I thought it contained quite a bit of sex, but is there another uncut version with even more sex?
'hang on a sec, now i'm curious. i just watched a version of this film that i rented from blockbuster that was marked with an R rating. I thought it contained quite a bit of sex, but is there another uncut version with even more sex?'
All DVD versions are complete but any American VHS tape of The man who fell to Earth from before 1989 is cut, badly. It still has sex in it but it's missing the gun scene (you'd know what I'm talking about if you saw it) as well as scenes that were actually important to the story.
And yes, there is no sex in the novel. Betty Jo (Mary Lou in the film) tries to seduce Thomas Jerome Newton but it doesn't work in the novel.
The sex scenes in Nicholas Roeg's films always impress me. They always evoke an intimacy that feels natural, I think.
shareyep - I thought something like that might have happened! hehehe
That's just my two cents.
Way too much sex crap, clearly a filler to attract all those who aren't getting any.
shareNo, no, it is done artistically. There can be nudity for the sake of art (Cashback) but most movies screw it up. I just thing there was too much and it detracted from the main focus of the film.
shareBut my understanding is that the original American release cut most of these scenes out and as a result was even harder to follow and more confusing, so they must serve some purpose to the story. To be fair, I haven't seen the edited version. Maybe some people would like it better (like some of you folks on this thread that didn't like all the sex scenes).
shareNo, no, no. I'm not saying I didn't like them, I also thought that (most) were essential to the plot, I just thought it was a bit excessive.
shareI wasn't at all bothered by the amount of sex in the movie. But I will admit to two things...
1) I giggled a bit at the springy pubic afros; and
2) I could have gone my whole life without ever seeing Rp Torn's wang and died a happy woman.
I'll leave my love between the stars
I think I hate "mattqatsi".
"You can tell I'm an artist, can't you?" is probably the most undeservingly pretentious thing I've ever heard.
Show me the art you've produced and made money on. Send me some links of all the beautiful art you've made as the artist you are and I'll buy anything else you "make".
I hope you start your next post with multiple "no"s, too.
...I don't think I called myself an artist...
And what's wrong with saying I'm an artist anywawy? Just because I think a movie has too much unnecessary sex, and I do draw, why would that make you hate me.
Plus, most artists don't really make a living off of Art, just like writers.
So what's wrong with saying that?
This movie just seems toomuch like a Tinto Brass movie, where there is more unnecessary sex than there is plot.
"...I don't think I called myself an artist...
And what's wrong with saying I'm an artist anywawy? Just because I think a movie has too much unnecessary sex, and I do draw, why would that make you hate me.
Plus, most artists don't really make a living off of Art, just like writers.
So what's wrong with saying that?
This movie just seems toomuch like a Tinto Brass movie, where there is more unnecessary sex than there is plot."
UPDATED Wed Feb 21 2007 20:21:25
by - mattqatsi on Wed Feb 21 2007 20:27:07
art is a hobby, at least for me...
Haha, caught me. True, I went back, read that, and said, "Man, I sound like an f'ing retard" It's not the biggest crime in the world. I was also a little distracted, so five min later, I forgot about it and reposted, but that's not what we're arguing about.
And if someone draws or writes as a hobby, I consider them an artist or writer
...And fattmcmatty, your the one showing how pretentious you are by having your anger easily manipulated by people on the internet.
Sounds like you get too offended. Mind me asking how the hell you get by each day?
agreed, fatty came off as three times the pretentious \
It was made in the 70's
If you watch "R" rated movies from that era, there is a tendency to have gratuitus nudity because it was 'allowed' for the first time in the hstory of cinema.
Believe it or not, people have become MORE hung up on nudity over the years. Hence the 'new' MPAA rating which cause many films to cut things out rather than risk losing the teen audience with an NC-17 rating.
If you made The Man who Fell to Earth in 2007, you would leave out a lot of nudity but it was 1976....key parties, discos and coke.
There was almost no mention of sex in the book. So why is this film almost soft core porn? Did I really need to see Rip Torn's wedding tackle a-dangling all over the screen in several scenes. What was the point? This movie had such great potential, and some high brow artist wannabe made miserable dreck instead of a good or even great film.
"What does the sign say above the nursery in a Palestinian maternity ward? 'Live ammunition.'"
Wedding tackle!! That is friggin' funny. I gotta slip that one into a conversation some time.
shareYou can try "fuzzy giblets" if that works any better for you..lol.
"What does the sign say above the nursery in a Palestinian maternity ward? 'Live ammunition.'"
HAAAA!!!!! You're killing me!
if you watch a nicholas roeg movie there will be nudity. do think adrienne larussa was lovely. have to say only time in life I wish I was rip torn. actually not totally true. he was also funny on larry sanders.
The sex scenes were integral to the story. To cut them out is absoutely *beep* ridiculous.
The final sex scene with Newton and Mary-Lou was the end of their relationship with Newton firing a toy gun.
there can never be enough bowie sex.
shareCandy Clark is Great in this , First watched this as a seventeen year old in 81 - loved it then love it now - a cinematographic feast , music and images typical of Roeg; Bowie as iconic as he ever was- and as for nudity, I love every frame of it--from lighting the candle to gunshot ---Candy Clark = Babe
shareA lot of men are uncompftable with seeing naked men on screen because they see themselves in the men on screen, wheras with girls, they're not as uncompftable with it. But the guys just want to see the woman naked all the time and there's not enough male nudity in movies nowadays, or sex scenes in general, I don't think. There should definitley be more sex and less violence and gore in movies.
shareyeah, naked chicks are cool as hell, only thing better is maybe the indy 500
sharewtf? there wasnt any sex just some nudity.
preety good though.