How many men fell to Earth?

Newton, several times.

The man thrown out of the window.

Rip Torn's character does.

The agent does.

Farnsworth does.

Even Mary Lou does.

Note also representations in the film of Icarus, Lucifer and angels. Even Macchiavelli.

It's not "Sci-Fi", it's SF!

"Calvinism is a very liberal religious ethos." - Truekiwijoker


ha never noticed


I watched this again tonight. Definitely getting a feeling of biblical fallen angels vibe/parallel. Thomas being the good and pure. He also doesn't age in the film, while everyone else does. I'm still curious about the psychic connection between him and Bryce. When he gets in the limo with Bowie, he says "we've met before" maybe with a question mark?. He knows him but not sure how/why/when. They there are other scenes where Bowie seems to visualize or pick up signals from Bryce's life even before he is ever part of the company. I had wondered if he was another fallen angel that came down to sleep with the women. There were a few interesting remarks about him not being the same age as other men his age and multiple women say "you're nothing like my father". There isn't really any good reason to include sex scenes with Rip torn unless there's a point to it, but he seems to be a normal human from earth, but who knows.

When does Rip Torn fall to earth exactly? Curious what you mean. You're not just talking about jumping on a bed right?
