I walked out of this movie

This is the worst movie that I have ever seen in my life. I don't usually walk
out of movie but this piece of crap was not going to waist two hours
of my life. It is not funny and there are some great actors who I am
surprised that after making this horrible movie that they got any work
again.It's so sad seing Oliver Reed one of my favorite actors being
wasted in this mockery of a movie. It makes Plan Nine From Outer Space
look like a masterpiece. It's a movie so bad that it's not one of those
bad movies that are fun to watch and make fun of because watching
it there is nothing clever that can be said about the movie unlike some
bad movies that are so bad there good. This movie does not improve
on sitting in the theater looking at a blank screen. A blank screen
would actually be preferable to watching this piece of crap. I give
this movie my lowest rating of -500 on a scale of 10 or two middle
fingers up.As you can tell I despise this horrible and god awful movie.


Thanks for sharing.


So you walked out on this 30 years ago, and never really saw the movie at all.
This writer must be a total prude, who is offended by sexual content. It's a shame you missed this very funny movie with a brilliant cast.

There's never a shortage of idiots who parrot the phrase "worst movie ever", with total disregard for the talents of others.


Also, this guy xmen2000 posted a comment on the board for King Kong, slamming someone else for saying it was the "worst movie ever", before seeing it himself. He seems to be in the habit of posting opinions of movies he hasn't seen.


Ha! Anyone reading this so-called review, take note of the use of the word, "waist" for the correct spelling: waste. A real mental giant, old Xman2000. Go to the head of the class, X... then put on your dunce cap, & go sit in the corner. Jeez.


This is one of the most pathetic post on IMDb.

Life is pain. Anyone who says differently is selling something.


Come on now--tell us how you really feel about it.


common, its not very good but the worst you have ever seen?

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I just love that Oliver Reed is an Indian. A priceless performance in an otherwise mediocre movie.

I know who I am! I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


Troll troll troll, GODDAMN Troll Troll Troll!etc. etc. ETC.


OP, didja get yer $ back and go and buy a buttplug?

Sacred cows make delicious hamburgers.


I didn't hate this as much as xman2000 did, but it wasn't good. Not as bad as The Legend of the Golden Gun (1979) or Rampage at Apache Wells (1965), but it was pretty bad. It was produced on the level of a low budget TV movie of the era, but with absolutely no skill apart from the actors.

Weird how some things polarize people -- this seems to be one of those you either love or hate.

--If they move, kill 'em!
