This movie and its predecessor were CGI pioneers
Futureworld was the first movie with 3D CGI in the form of of a rotating 3D face
Westworld featured the first 2D CGI.
Futureworld was the first movie with 3D CGI in the form of of a rotating 3D face
Westworld featured the first 2D CGI.
I was wondering about that - it certainly looked too good to be standard animation (as used in the final sequence of 2001: a space odyssey). Even the simple rotating faces they screened probably required rooms full of computers - integrated circuits were around, but pretty basic back then.
Most of what they used (including some early biology film of bloodflow in tissues etc) looked like stock footage that they had bought in from outside companies (i.e. it wasn't made deliberately for this movie, it was just effective in this setting), but it was groundbreaking stuff .
What's even more impressive is that the 3D CGI footage was actually created in 1972, four years before Futureworld was made.