MovieChat Forums > Burnt Offerings (1976) Discussion > Fifteen Minutes Was Cut Before Release!

Fifteen Minutes Was Cut Before Release!


Dan Curtis said that he cut fifteen minutes from the film that showed the family before they drive to the house. They see the ad in the paper and talk about the house. Ben gets a parking ticket.

Mr. Curtis cut the scenes because he thought they were "too boring." The film as it stands now starts perfectly with the car driving up to the property. However, it still would have been nice to see those first fifteen minutes to get a background on the family.

Do you think that footage will ever be released?



I remember those scenes from the novel.
While the film was just fine as is, I agree, it would have been helpful to at least explain *why* Marian has such a desire for the house...and why she loves cleaning the house so much.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


The book really did have no ending, as Dan Curtis said. I remember it got up to the pool scene, and just ended right there, with absolutely no rhyme or reason.



Yeah, I remember the early stuff from the book that wasn't in the movie. It contained a lot more info/history about the couple and their son, but it really wasn't necessary for the main story, so I can see why they left it out of the film.

I also remember, whilst reading the book (and having seen the film first),the film being almost totally faithful to the book except for the conclusion which was understandably far more cinematic. To end the film, the way the book ended, would have felt like an anti-climax. Don't get me wrong, the book ending was perfect for the story as a book, but I think it would have been difficult to translate to the screen and have some kind of visual impact. I like the way the movie ended, aside from the son not moving when the chimney bricks fell. That was silly. But Oliver Reed's death was good as was Karen Black's performance as the "mother".


So glad they did decide to cut that stuff out, it starts out perfect IMO with them driving up to the mansion. This is one of the few slow burn movies that actually knows how to do it and it works very effectively but I think that extra stuff would of bogged it down.


It would be nice to see it included as a deleted scene on a DVD release.

