Favorite scene

I know the film has a ton of great great scenes but I just have to say I love the scene in the beginning that Buttermaker pours out some of the beer and puts Jim Beam into the beer can. That's fantastic!


I like when "Luhpus" is making the Martini for him. He brings it over and "Boilermaker" says, "Oh, Thank you Luhpus".

And you have to strain to heear the kid's reply:


There's a word for people who think everyone is conspiring against them.
That's right: perceptive!


When Engleberg throws the ball to the ump.

There is chocolate all over the ball.


Engelberg threw the chocolate covered ball back to Coach Buttermaker during practice. Not to the Umpire.


I know that. I was refering to two scenes. I guess I got ahead of my self and did not make my self clear.

Hey wasn't there a scene when Tanner does a "Dave Rozema" krate kick, to one of the players who the Bears where playing to the family jewels?

Another classic scene when the team is cleaning a pool, and Engelberg says "Can we Go Swimming." Buttermaker, "No Engelberg you'll Flood the Valley."

Ok I'm done.


My favorite is when Coach Buttermaker is so drunk he passes out on the pitchers mound and the kids just leave him there!


That was funny.



Yes a ton of great scenes. My favorite is Roy Turners hot wife walking away.

A martini is like a woman's breast: one is not enough and three is too many


Too many to count,LOL.

Marry me,Bob Gunton!


Buttermaker yelling at the kids to get up onto the field.

"Get your gear on and get your fat ass up behind the plate before I kick it up there! And the rest of you pansy-ass quitters,get your asses up there before I kick them all up there!"

Kelly Leak flicking his cigarette at Cleveland before taking off on his dirtbike. Then she goes to kick him as he's taking off. LOL.

And,of course,any scene with Vic Morrow. I love,love,love Vic Morrow.

Boy,do I have a crush on Vic Morrow. :)


The scene where he throws the beer at Amanda and when Lupus catches the ball always give me chills. The funniest part is when Engleberg is yelling at Buttermaker about the bunt.



There are a lot of bad Republicans. There are no good Democrats.


Engleberg's final at bat. The interplay between Roy and Joey Turner, culminating in Joey's F-U stare while holding the ball and then dropping it at his father's feet was brilliantly conceived, written and directed. That whole scene perfectly captured the point of the entire movie.
