Tanner's Accent?

Did anyone notice Tanner Boyle's New York accent? He said something like "Buttahmakeah, go back to ya beah". In the sequel Jimmy Baio as Carmen had a New York accent. They said he was originally from the East Coast. Tanner Boyle was played by actor Chris Barnes. I assume Barnes is from the New York area. He graduated from Bergen Catholic High School in Oradell, NJ.


There's another thread about this: so many New York/New Jersey accents in a movie that's set in southern California. Chris Barnes is from Oradell, NJ, and has a distinct Jersey accent


I didn't see that thread. What is its title? Could it have been deleted?


I guess it was deleted. I've been posting here ten years now and things just come and go. I wish they'd use better judgment when deleting threads.


I concur about IMDB's deletion policy. Some of the busier boards delete threads after only four months. And some of the less active boards have eight year old threads.


I saw a post from 2002 the other day

I'm not sure how it's allotted, but if you follow one show for a while, you begin to see a trend. It seems that each user and each message board have a certain capacity before they start to 'dump.' For example, some shows that are current and have a lot of activity, may have 15 pages of threads. On some of the board you can find messages that are 8 years old, and on some it's only the past few months...but looks like more pages of threads because it's more new topics and dumps out the older topics. I'm sure there must be a metric they've assigned that I'm not quite sure I understand, but I have noticed it. (About 5 years ago, the Chelsea Handler board was all day activity, every day. And there were about 15 pages of threads, but they were only going back a few months. Now, there's 8 pages of threads going back 3 years. )


Usually the only people born and raised in Southern California with NY/NJ accents are Jewish. Case in point my aunt and uncle. Aunt always sounds like Linda Lavin.


Oh, well, I'll repeat myself and hope my words are still here in ten years: Matthau, Vic Morrow and Joyce Van Patten were all from NYC; Alfred Lutter, David Stambaugh and Chris Barnes were all from the the New Jersey suburbs near New York.
Gary Cavagnaro is from Dallas, and sounds like it.
