MovieChat Forums > The Bad News Bears (1976) Discussion > Amanda and Kelly go to the Rolling Stone...

Amanda and Kelly go to the Rolling Stones concert

After Amanda loses the air hockey game, she tells Buttermaker that for losing, she has to go with Kelly to the Rolling Stones concert. If there was a Stones concert in Southern California, it had to be in July of 1975. In 1976 the Stones only performed in Europe.

The Rolling Stones Tour of the Americas took place from June to August of 1975. Their California dates were July 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 at the LA Forum. Then two nights at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco (July 15 and 16).

Since Kelly told Amanda that they were to meet on a Friday, that means they probably attended the show on July 11th.

On this tour, guitarist Mick Taylor was officially replaced by Ronnie Wood. Ian Stewart (piano) and Billy Preston (keyboards) were the other support musicians. An album called LOVE YOU LIVE which contained some recordings from the LA Forum run, was released in 1977.




They still have school in July?


I hate to burst your bubble, but there's an earlier scene after the Bears
lose on opening day. Buttermaker tells Coach Turner that the last day of the season is June 19th. So if Kelly took Amamda to the concert, then it would have had to be after the season was over.


In California, they do; and perhaps at the time they did. They went to school all year 'round. 9 weeks on/3 weeks off with a placement test in August; and a new school year starting in September. Many other states do 9 months on (with holidays in between) and 3 months off. In Texas (where I live), back in 1994, then-Governor Ann Richards decided to go the year-round school; but with the sweltering Texas humidity among other things, people felt it wasn't feasible. And with that, Richards lost the election to George W Bush.



I also figured they were attending the 1975 tour. But the show they fictionally attended would have been in May since their season ended June 19th and they had only played 2 games thus far. But I don't think the writers thought the viewer would spend so much time trying to figure out which exact show they went to.



Can you picture two 12-year-old kids at a Rolling Stones concert unchaperoned?
My daughter is 11, and, as big a Stones fan as I am, the only way she would ever see Sir Jagger is perhaps on TV.

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.



Amanda and Kelly seemed a little young to attend a rock concert unchaperoned. I heard California kids grow up fast, but that seemed excessive.


This was the 70s, not today. Back then, kids did things alone all the time.


Yeah. The 70's were a weird period. Uptight in many ways but also very lax in others. Kids weren't as coddled back then & parents were more laid back. Course maybe there were fewer things to worry about back then.


Maybe not fewer things. Just not as widely known as now, with the internet.


Good point. Ignorance is bliss.



I am impressed with your attention to detail. I am a fan of both "The Bad News Bears" and The Rolling Stones. I wish I could have seen The Stones in 1975, but was only seven years old. The heaviest group I saw when I was a kid was The Beach Boys. I did not start attending concerts with my friends until high school. Going to a concert with my parents seemed very uncool so I didn't even bother.

I heard the late Billy Preston was amazing when he toured with The Stones. It is a shame they had a falling out.


The writers used the Stones as "generic rock group that everyone would know". It was 1975 or earlier when it was written. You couldn't use a new 70's band because adults wouldn't know it and most of the 60's bands were done by then. Rolling Stones! The go-to generic rock band of the 70's (not that their music was generic, I LOVE the Stones, but I see why the choice was made.....without regard to where the band would actually be in 1975-76.)

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.



It is a movie. It is not real. Script writers could have wrote in any band of the day, or even made one up.
