joey the headhunter

Joey was completely going for engelberg's head. watch the pitch closely. And that was pretty damn close.


You are right! Engelberg have him the finger from the batter's box, and Joey overreacted. I think his father had a good reason to be angry with him--but certainly not to hit him like he did.

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.


gotta pitch inside.

His name...was Julio Iglesias!


Joey was a punk. I'm glad his father hit him.

Wreaking havoc since 1976


Those were the good old days when pitchers could throw inside. Now when you watch a major league baseball game some of the hitter practically stand on top of the plate. Then if the pitcher throws inside the hitter makes no effort to back up then tries to charge the mound. That is one of the reasons I lost interest in baseball. The Bad News Bears of 1976 were little men. The major league baseball players of today are little girls. Pitchers start once every five days and never finish games. And games last over three hours because they keep having to stop so the players can change tampons. Then when one of the players pulls a vagina muscle his season is finished.


The scene didn't play it out as it should. I think the scene was supposed to show the dad/coach mad at his son NOT for throwing at Engelberg, but because for NOT following his orders, giving the coach "justification" for hitting his kid. Still, I don't understand the mom saying "You know why he did it!" - that part is kind of fuzzy -- but it is clear that the coach is not really mad that his pitcher could have hit the kid.


Plus,the pitcher was a real jerk. He put ketchup over Lupus' head. He deserved that smack from his old man.


The dads reaction was to both those things. Hurting the other player AND not following orders.
Plus it made it look like he (the coach) told him to do that. Turner cared what the league thought of him which is why he was awkward after he hit Joey.

Coach Turner was a jerk but he didn't want to hurt the other kids on the Bears team.


Good perspective. Vic did an excellent job with the role. I grew up in that time and softball was very political. Some of the teams were stacked. There were many times that the coaches were very explosive and had verbal fights. It was funny to see that "us kids" were more sportsman like. Maybe because we had friends on all the other teams.


"Coach Turner was a jerk but he didn't want to hurt the other kids on the Bears team."

There's a difference between not wanting the kids to be hurt and truly genuinely caring if they were hurt. He didn't care about that. All he cared about was A) winning and B) his awful brat of a kid obeying his commands.


The mother realized that it was the father's attitude towards the Bears that motivated Joey to treat them disrespectfully and eventually try to hurt them. How he got even with his father was magnificent!
