Disturbing episode of medical incompetence, "The Depth of Beauty"
At night on the top of an apartment condominium, a middle-aged man pleads with his wife not to jump off the building. He pleads that he loves her and they can find another doctor. The wife replies that she loves him too but that he would be better off without her. She turns to look at her distraught husband and you see her scarred face. She turns back and jumps to her death.
In the episode, Dr. Quincy learns that an established plastic surgeon (now called cosmetic surgeon) in Beverley Hills is actually a quack. He was previously a general practitioner doctor who decided to get into the lucrative plastic surgery business. He undertook some medical seminars to learn the business and then hung up his shingle as a plastic surgeon. As explained in the episode, all of this was surprisingly legal. What was wrong was that the doctor never truly acquired the necessary operative skills and the 'touch', to be an effective plastic surgeon. As a result he botched a number of patients' surgeries, one of whom was a young woman trying to lose weight and subsequently died. Astonishingly, no one ever filed any complaints against the quack plastic surgeon.
Quincy calls the man out and essentially tries to publicly discredit him. Quincy fails because the doctor did everything properly and legally transitioning from a general practitioner to a plastic surgeon. There is no legal and AMA requirement for a doctor to even obtain the education for a plastic surgeon.
As in other Quincy episodes, the good forensic doctor soon runs afoul of his superiors and other professionals for being a meddlesome, intrusive bigmouth troublemaker.
Quincy finds another way. He persuades a former actress who was once successful to come on to television and show her disfigured face, another victim of the quack doctor's botched face-peel jobs. The episode ends there but we must assume that by outing that doctor on television, it will ruin his practice.
I think that episode may have scared off every woman in the country contemplating a face peel. In the episode the discussion of a face peel is that is should be done only under the most experienced and skilled plastic surgeons and then limited to Caucasian women of northern European descent. Minority women and those women of olive-skin complexion were at very high risk of scarring. The suicide victim at the episode's beginning was a white woman of Mediterranean descent. But the doctor was still a quack. He scarred the face of the Caucasian actress who later outed him on tv at Quincy's persuasion.
I wouldn't recommend a face peel, period. That sounds like something out of medieval torture history when torture victims were dispatched through mutilation.