My nominations: "Not that old chicken story again!" "Remember my prophetic chickens and have patience." "There can't be two greatest--that's just shilly-shallying, apart from being an abuse of the Roman tongue." "You'd better be right, boy! I don't take kindly to that many corrections in one day!" "It's nervous laughter. Go on with your story." "They're all so insecure, these astrologists. They all want to be loved. Go away, Thrasyllus, you'll get no love here." "If Zeus wanted to talk to us, he'd talk to us in Latin, not in Etruscan--what'd be the point of that?" "Your mother never punished you enough." "I've got a birthday coming up soon. What're you going to buy me?" "By the way, don't eat the figs." "I don't think you can put that kind of thing in a letter." I'll get back to you after I've consulted with Satan.
10 years ago
"The difference between this great lady and myself is that her hobby is my profession. My hobby happens to be gardening, for which I do not expect to be paid." I'll get back to you after I've consulted with Satan.
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