Claudius 1st Son

Is it ever said what happened to Claudius son from his 1st wife, the very tall woman? All he ever says about him is he didn't like him very much and that was early on ... but should he not have been in the line of succession? Or did he not survive?


He is mentioned once in "Some Justice" when Claudius offers to have Caligula sleep with Drusillus (he prefers to sleep with Drusilla...).

The historical accounts have the kid attempt to catch a fruit with his mouth, and succeeds in choking on it to death. The novel has Sejanus get Claudius to bethroth his son to his daughter. Livia, angered that a marriage plan was done behind her back, has the kid strangled. Claudius- who mourned the deaths of his first girlfriend, Postumus, and Germanicus- felt little loss.

In terms of line of succession, Drusillus' chances were dim: Tiberius had his adopted son Germanicus and his children (plus his own natural son and his children) on line. Drusillus' best chance was when his father became Emperor, but he was dead more than a decade before that happened.


Claudius also had a child with his 2nd wife Aelia Paetina - Claudia Antonia (her character was completely ommited from the series). She was a good daughter to Claudius. She was executed by Nero in 66 AD.

Rooney Fassbender and Joaquin Blanchett


Very good! Thank you for the information.
Nero had a lot to answer for, I think.

I wish they would have continued with Nero's story but, I realize, it's hard to be I, Claudius when his character is dead.


I agree.
When it ended I wanted to see more!
