Show on PBS in the late 70's

I remember my brothers and I found this playing on the PBS channel late one night. We were all giggling (because the man kept saying "Kissy My Hand! Kiss it!" - Smack smack. Then we started seeing some of her flesh as he tore her clothes off, and then big sister came in an turned off the TV. I don't know what her problem was, but she was trippin' that night. This just happend to be one of those rare occassion when my dad was working (night shift) and my mom was out of town visiting her mom; we never had sitters. Thought I would share this.



Damn, late '70s? I'm surprised you still remember.


I saw it on PBS, too, in the '70s. I remember thinking I was getting away with something watching it. Pretty risque for tv back then! I'll still watch it whenever I find it - I really think it made me appreciate foreign films when I got older (or maybe I was just looking for more sex :)


I remember seeing this on PBS in NYC in the mid 80's.


PBS definitely showed some wild stuff in the late 70's and early 80's! Just what a 14-15 yr old boy with raging hormones and no internet needed! :)

Does anyone remember Independent Focus on channel 13 in NY. That used to have some wild stuff on it! Sometimes on a late Saturday Night they would show some very erotic type movies, including Swept Away.

I wonder if my mom knew what I was doing?


I too saw it broadcast on PBS in the very late '70s, either '78 or '79, and then again in either 1987 or 1988. That latter time I managed to videotape nearly all of it, missing only the opening credits and first scene. Weirdly, I had just returned from dinner with my then-fiancee, and had been telling her about the film...and when we got home, there it was.

It's a fine line between clever and stupid.
