Bartholomew's Aide

Who plays Bartholomew's aide? The one who cheers Jonathan at the end of the movie?

Don't Care What The Governments Say
They're All Bought And Paid For Anyway

- Sun Green


He was also the guy in Star Wars A New Hope that Darth Vader mind choked .


The Houston coach or team manager or whoever he was ("Game?! This was never meant to be a game! NEVER!") also had bit part in the original Star Wars. ("This R2 unit's a bit beat up. You want a new one?")


You are right sir. I wonder if there was some casting connection?


Last night I noticed yet another Star Wars cast connection- Jonathan's assistant, the guy he throws his helmets to when they're getting ready to fly to Tokyo... that's Gold Leader!


That was Shane Rimmer, the voice of Scott Tracy in the old "Thunderbirds" series. Last thing I saw him in was Batman Begins as the operator at Wayne Tower during the climax on the train.


Richard LeParmentier
