you need to watch it

Watching this movie changed my relationship with God which changed my life! its awesome!

I love Jesus Christ my lord and savior 100%!!


That's awesome!

I read this book in high school (I went to a Christian high school, even though I wasn't a Christian - there's a difference in saying you are and actually living it). Anyway, after I became a Christian truly after God's own heart, I read this book again and got a completely different perspective. The first time I read it, I was like, "Okay, that's nice; a person who loves even though she should hate.". The second time I read this book, and immediately asked God to show me really understand and love as Jesus loves us.

The ten Boom's love (especially Corrie's love) really touched me. To think that you could love someone (practically entire countries) full of people who hate you, abuse you, kill your family, etc, just goes to show that you can do ANYTHING. I want that kind of love; the love of Christ Jesus.

Corrie's story is truly amazing. It breaks past so many barriers and just goes to show that "Love is stronger than the walls that try to shut it in."
