Great idea but bad writing

The story overall has great potential, but the dialog is full of cliches. I watched this movie on HDTV the other night and enjoyed it except for the painful dialog. The characters were right out of central casting and had no depth. This movie could have been done a lot better.


Yeah I'm watching this on an HD movie channel and the scenery and cinematography are awesome. The acting is kind of lame in parts except for Clint who's good in anything



The book is much better.



The film is sort of a guilty pleasure. It is completely ludicrous but the climbing scenes are incredible. I also love the helicopter shot pulling away from the top of the rock where Clint and George Kennedy sit. I am afraid of heights and even on tv I got a shiver seeing that. I wonder if Clint realized how thin the script was and padded it with more incredible climbing sequences in an attempt to defer one's attention from it.



The real rock was probably only four feet tall. The rest of the rock was put in later.


just re-watched film last night. Worse than I remembered. "Involuted style makes my ass tired".

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


To enjoy the dialogue in the flim , you really need to have read the book. It's a pastiche of the "superman" action hero, of the type that was about in the 70's. It's actually quite ahead of its time in this respect.

Fortunately neither the film nor the book overblows the parody aspects. This may make it hard for Americans to understand ;)

Like all Trevanian's novels he doesn't have much good to say about American culture.


To enjoy the dialogue in the flim , you really need to have read the book. It's a pastiche of the "superman" action hero, of the type that was about in the 70's. It's actually quite ahead of its time in this respect.

Fortunately neither the film nor the book overblows the parody aspects. This may make it hard for Americans to understand ;)

Like all Trevanian's novels he doesn't have much good to say about American culture.

I agree, the film is satirical (the word "pastiche" is appropriate), but not a full-blown parody.


You know your film is an absolute disaster when you have an action/suspense thriller starring Clint Eastwood in his prime, several stunning locations to film at, extremely dangerous climbing scenes where people were actually killed and maimed in the process, Eastwood going out of his way to show that he was actually doing all his own stunts...

...and the few people willing to defend the movie are forced to say it was "meant to be satirical."

This film is complete and utter garbage.

It's only because of the scenery and the fact that George Kennedy was occasionally funny that it gets a generous 3/10.



I agree...there were so many COMPLETELY unnecessary scenes in this movie which contributed nothing to the overall story or character development. In addition, the dialouge in general was horrific. BTW, did anyone else think the sound was constantly off on this movie? It seemed like the sound effects were completely wrong for each scene, and there's even one where sound effects only kick in when a character is talking.

3 or 4/10, imo...


The 'dialogue' was written by a Junior High Schoool student.


I don't think so. Fourth grade at best.


You're giving him too much credit.


***SPOILERS*** I agree totally. Overall it was an enjoyable movie to watch but it really could have been great. I mean, what a great premise--an assassin having to make his target and carry out an assassination while climbing the Eiger. It would have been far better if the last 3/4 of the film had taken place on the Eiger instead of just the last 1/4. And also if the sanctioned person wasn't george kennedy but one of the climbers. I didn't read the book though so maybe they were just trying to stay true to it.


they completely butchered the book -- eliminating characters and great dialogue, and condensing different characters/conversations into one.

clint remains "unforgiven" for this debacle.

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?


"I thought I gave up rape..."

Worst Pick-up Line Ever.

NO MORE PG-13 "Horror" Movies!!!


This sort of feels like a good TV movie. One good performance (Clint) but cheesy fx and dialog weight down what otherwise could be a great film. Regardless it is a ton of fun, which is always important.

"What difference do you think you can make, one man in all this madness?"


Cheesy fx? Could somebody point that out to me?


Just started the book: love it.

What'd you mean I'm not kind? Just not your kind.



Just finished the book: love it even more. Brilliant stuff.

What'd you mean I'm not kind? Just not your kind.

