Gun in bus and choice of drivers
After one more viewing of this classic,I had some thoughts concerning the gun and the choice of the driver:the latter has been already partly mentioned in another thread but I try to combine both.
From what I can understand,the gun McMurphy used to kill Sal was hidden in a front mini locker,in which Sonny had checked.It was obviously put there, during the short preparation scene for the exit from the bank and as Sonny was too excited after managing to get into the bus without being shot,he neglected to re-check the spot.I can hardly blame him.
But one more critical issue that sealed Sonny/Sal's fate(I have not read about the actual event)is Sonny's choice of the FBI agent instead of the black cop.Reviewers have already commented on that being a crucial mistake,although Sonny was proven smart enough to figure out a cop in disguise.So I wonder if it was another Sheldon's strategy.You can tell from the start that this man is anything but Moretti's ''let's chat''character.He is aiming right through the heart.
Remember electricity's sudden turn off so that they were left into the darkness?Strategy.
During his being inside the bank,he immediately grasped Sal's personality and knew how was he to be dealt with.But he also knew that Sonny was a harder case and did not like to be taken as a fool.So,in order to ensure their right man into the right position(the driver's seat)they threw a disguised cop with character in Sonny's face,knowing in advance that he will find out in time and take the FBI man instead.