Not as good as the books...
I must admit that this film was a bit of fun, but I felt the casting and the tongue in cheek humor made what could have been a great first film of the Doctor and his team and their adventures a bit of a failure. I grew up reading the Doc Savage stories, and Ron Ely, though a fairly good actor, was better as Tarzan than he was as Doc.
There was also too much emphasis on the campiness that was inherent in the Batman TV show. I guess the producers thought an audience would never take a serious version of Doc Savage to heart.
It would be three years later, with the success of Superman starring Christopher Reeve, that the higher ups started to think about serious superheroes. But not much was done with it until 1989s Batman starring Michael Keaton that the idea of serious superhero films without campiness would start to flicker into existence. But it would still take another 11 years before Fox took a chance on a Marvel comic property and film it for serious audiences - X-Men.
We need a film that respects the characters of Doc, Ham, Monk, Renny, Long Tom and Johnny. Hopefully, with the success of the Marvel films, we will get one.