MovieChat Forums > Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze Discussion > Saw this crap at a comic book convention...

Saw this crap at a comic book convention in '77

Can't recall a single frame of it!


Sadly I have a better memory.
I saw it on HBO don't recall any NYC movie release.
Used to see the paperbacks all the time titles like "Cry of the Werewolf" etc
Yet somehow I never got a copy of any somehow I held back.

See some stars here


Lol..I'm guessing HBO aired this 'classic' in the wee hours of the morning!


Oh no it premiered in primetime 8PM full page ad in the HBO guide.

Anyway HBO while the first premier cable service was not held in very high regard at first.

See some stars here


I guess that's true. I think HBO debuted in the early 70s, but few people had cable before the 1980s.


That would be about right we had it in 1975, it was $10.00 for regular cable, $9.00 more for HBO much as it wasn't worth it at first. It was sometimes years before a hit film made it to HBO.
The film distribution system was much different back then.

Anyway at first the idea was better reception on network and local stations, an idea that started in PA, in Manhattan the tall buildings were like the mountains
in PA.

Unlike today with stations going into the 1000s. after 13 you had A to Z at first then later AA to ZZ, AAA to ZZZ, well you get the idea. Today's TBS used to be Super station 17.

Most of the time the reception was good there were sometimes problems as the cables were strung around back yards, back alleys etc.

The craziest thing was the fact that while Manhattan had cable since the early 1970s, the rest of NYC didn't get full cable till the 1990s.

It was a matter of which company was going to make the most money out of it.

Some folks in the outer boroughs and Long Island started buying those giant space dishes once HBO got on the satellite and so they didn't pay anything for HBO and other cable services to come.

One was able to rent a special antenna for their apt or house for HBO only
for about I think $12.00 a month don't recall the exact rate. The reception wasn't always that good however.

See some stars here


Your family had cable in 1975?! Wow..I didn't even learn of its existence until '78. My 7th-grade health teacher lived in another area of Long Island, and told the class one day of this service that aired theatrical films uncut with no commercials! It sounded miraculous to our ears. I don't know when it arrived on Nassau County's North Shore - where I was raised - but we ordered in during the summer of '83. I still recall the thick, glossy Cablevision guide.

I have read that some parts of Queens weren't wired for cable until 1988. Also true that MTV - while headquartered in NY - was unavailable there until September or October of '82. Apparently it was perceived as an experiment, so smaller markets took the plunge first. Los Angeles didn't get the channel until well into '83. If you had HBO, you watched Video Jukebox, which I looked at regularly vacationing in San Diego in the summer of '82. By the spring of '83, MTV had exploded, and it rejuvenated the recording industry.


my family got cable in 1974. HBO went on at 10 am(?)off the air at 2:30am.
My Dad had lots to say about "Going Places" and "Rafferty and The Gold Dust Twins".


Then it went 24 7 later, then again they went back to shorter hrs 4 a while back when.
At that time I got a big kick of the fact here at last was uncensored TV some of the local public access shows had language n nudity as well, but never hard core.
Then there was MIDNIGHT BLUE Screw mag on the air that was a fun n sexy show.

Going Places is that the French film?

Well ur dad had to understand HBO was uncensored period except they would only show G to R never X.
Don't recall Rafferty being all that sexy, less so with that ugly Mackenzie Phillips from "One Day at a Time" uggh

Funny thing when NBC aired it they replaced the words "Gold Dust Twins" with "highway hookers" how stupid of them.
Look what they did with "TWO MIN WARNING"

See some stars here
