Bar fight....

An IMDB reviewer:

There are also some unnecessary comic moments, such as the needlessly farcical bar-room brawl sequence which is out of tune with the rest of the film (Maltin, preposterously, called the bar-room brawl the high spot of the film but if anything it's the low point)

I say high, because it's one of the funniest fight scenes ever.


Doesn't the reviewer know that bar fight scenes were big in the 1970s? I think it was the influence of popular westerns. Those things had tons of ridiculous bar fights too.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


What's more laughable is an obvious shortage of experienced stunt men. The old regular Nosher Powell (cap and cigarette in mouth) is there but others, notably the sailor manage to be punched,thrown and manhandled several times.
Since that pub was just around the corner from the London Metal Exchange it was normally filled with commodity trader types in sharp suits drinking wine not the stereotypes portrayed.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


Oh yes. Maybe the best fighting scene I have seen. It was even funnier because you might not expect it in this kind of film.


Well Wayne and Attenborough seemed to have enjoyed that scene.

Its that man again!!

