300 years from now...

...some Hollywood director will make an artsy-fartsy film about life in 21st.c. and how men play the stockmarket, love women, go to war, and run for president.
I mean really, would your grandchildren's grandchildren even know who you were, how you lived, and indeed where you are buried? All rich and poor end up 6feet under.
That's what the movie is all about.



and women's titties.


I recall a rerun of Futurama where they go in to a museum in New New York and see the burial site of Rev Al Sharpton.
They'll do a movie in 300 years and probably get a lot of it wrong.

"It's the system, Lara. People will be different after the Revolution."


Movies about eiuropean civilization will not be made ...the ummah will have erased all that history
