Looking for a simular show form the same time
About 15 years ago I watched TV movie that I thought was called Survivors and may have been cut down from a seasons worth of episodes to two hours of an English TV show
It was the same set up as Survivors and made in the same time or a few years later and the same level of production
It starts with a plague of course and a one eyed retired army doctor and his daughter and her banker white collar fiance head to the Doctor's brother's farm, along the way other people join him and lots of footage o pushing prams loaded with supplies across hills and fields. They are attacked by a biker gang but one of the bikers join the group and the daughter dumps her boy friend for the new guy because she says in the new world he makes her feel safe. In the end they get to the farm and other people are already there and the movie ends with a battle
A friend got the survivors series from the library and i have seen some episodes from season 2 and 3 and described the show and she said that was not in the first season
Edit: Talking to some net friends from England they thought there is a slight chance it was a TV Movie put out as a one off by ITV to retain copyright on "The Survivors" and may or may not have had any thing to do with the series or any of the same characters or stars