That man was so hot.

It's been a long time since I've started a "Jim Hutton was hot" thread, so here goes.

I haven't seen any of his films for at least a month. Yesterday, I decided to watch Who's Minding the Mint? along with a couple of EQ episodes. WOW. That man oozed of sex appeal. And he didn't even try to be attractive to women!

There's that one scene in Who's Minding the Mint? in which (NO SPOILERS) he is rounding up people to help him return the money to the mint, and the one woman who might have seen what was going on was flirting with one of the other characters. Obviously she had no taste in men, since she barely looked at Jim but just focused on the other guy.

And the EQ episodes...don't even get me started.  It's amazing how he didn't even TRY to be attractive. He just WAS.

He was taken from us way too early. I wish that he could still be with us.

πŸ’• JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen πŸ‘


It's been a long time since I've started a "Jim Hutton was hot" thread, so here goes.

We can never have too many! He was a very attractive man.


There are so many "hot" scenes in the episodes, scenes where he'll make some facial expression or something and I'll be wondering how one person was able to get away with being so hot. And I'm not just talking about the scenes where he talks to the audience. These hot moments pop up throughout each episode. Of course he was hot in ALL the scenes, but there were some moments where...WOW is all I can say. 

πŸ’• JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen πŸ‘


I really can't think of any modern day actor that is as attractive as Jim Hutton. Part of it is that he is just so charismatic, he always makes his characters really engaging (as well as very hot ;-)). He's one of those actors who just enters a scene and you think: wow. He made this show great!


In my opinion, the only actor who comes close to being as attractive as Jim Hutton is Carl Brisson of Murder at the Vanities (1934).

You are right. He was extremely charismatic, and yet he never seemed to try to appeal to women sexually. I don't think I've ever seen him in any film/TV show in which there was emphasis on his sex appeal. Maybe that's what makes him so appealing and attractive.

Yup, wow! He and David Wayne really made this show fantastic. Jim also made a number of other films special for me, such as The Horizontal Lieutenant, Walk Don't Run, etc. Those films wouldn't have been the same without him.

πŸ’• JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen πŸ‘


I've been rewatching some of the episodes, and there's one where he is reading the newspaper and his eyes peek out from just above the newspaper. In another episodes, he does a similar thing when he's hiding behind a museum piece. He was quite good at teasing the audience that way. ξ€Ή

Jim Hutton (1934-79) and Ellery Queen = 


jim had a quality about him for sure....he left us way too soon


I know! One minute he was fine, and next minute he was in the hospital. That cancer sure got to him fast. Definitely a shame.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) and Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


Well then, since you find Jim so attractive as Ellery, check out his son,Tim, dressed as Ellery Queen in his TV series, LEVERAGE,in the 4th season episode, THE 10 LI'L GRIFTERS JOB. The team are at a famous detective costume party. Great inside joke....

Be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove


I finally saw that episode of Leverage! Yes, I loved Tim's costume, along with the other costumes of the classic mystery characters.

I like Tim, but not nearly as much as his dad.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen πŸŽ‡


Jim was positively beautiful!!! I've seen some very early photos of Timothy and in his youth he looked so much like his father!


I saw a youtube clip where Timothy Hutton received the Oscar for his performance in Ordinary People, and there he looked a lot like Jim did in the early sixties. Later I think that the resemblance faded.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen = ξ€Ή
