Funniest moments

What are some of the funniest moments in the episodes?

I've always been amused at the running joke about the "leftover, lukewarm, and lumpy" coffee. 

Also, in The 12th Floor Express, that one older lady (the staff member's grandmother) was a hoot. I love the way she put her money-hungry, status-hungry grandson in his place!

💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍


I love all the endings of the episodes (they were usually comic bits) and all the scenes with pompous Simon. I also laugh a lot when the pressure cooker exploded :D



Oh yes, the pressure cooker. 

Ha ha....

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen 🎇


I enjoyed it when the "slightly" pompous Simon Brimmer was arrested with all of the rest of the theater-goers when the police raided that burlesque show, much to the delight of both Richard and Ellery Queen.


Strange...I barely even remember that scene! Time for a rewatch of that episode. 

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen 🎇


The scene in "Eccentric Engineer" where Inspector Queen comes home, sits down to read the paper, and then hears Lorelei call, "Ellery! I'm taking my dress off now!" Literally have started laughing just thinking about it.


Ha ha. 

I have to admit that this is the only episode which I refuse to watch. The idea that Ellery would only pay attention to her after she put on a sexy dress isn't exactly my cup of tea. Ellery wasn't a sexist jerk in the novels and even in the other episodes. So why did they write such a ridiculous sub-plot for this episode?

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen


The Eccentric Engineer was very funny!


I love the running gag that Ellery's dad can track him down anywhere. Ellery would go follow a lead then the phone would ring, and they would look at Ellery with queer expression on their faces and say "It's for you" I was thinking , dang how did his father know where he was!


I thought that Ellery would let his father know where he was going so that he could be reached in case of a new lead or something.

But yeah, the expressions on the faces of those other people are priceless. 

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen = 


I also love in Too Many Suspects, his father was talking about Monica Gray and how Elliot's wife would be wearing her fall line "If you were married"
The way he says it is so hysterical!


Ha ha...yup! 

To my knowledge, Ellery never does marry in the books...but Richard does! He gets married in one of the later novels.

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen = 


Miss Aggie was to everyone in The Adventure of Miss Aggie's Farewell Performance I thought it was going to be like Murder on the Orient Express when they were all guilty of killing her! When Betty white brought her the little plant and she says "Everybody else sent roses" I wanted to slap her with that little plant!


Hmm...that might have been an interesting ending!

Jim Hutton (1934-79) & Ellery Queen = 


At the end of the Little Caesar episode where the gangster comes up to the would-be politician, puts his arm around him and calls him his good friend.
