Worst Building Ever

That's a terrible building. Lit up like a gas stove on opening day. Wracked with explosions. What an incredible fiasco.

The decor didn't help, either. That shag carpeting went up like excelsior. What a mess.


I know, right?

It was, is, worse than that vegetable looking building in London.

And don't even get me started on the dire guest list


It was the terror of the 70s...shag carpet...the devil's floor covering


It was actually written that way, so we would actually have a movie to watch, you know.......fiction DUMMY


LOL this guy...


The event in the promenade room looks like a bad prom.


I know, right? That ballroom looked SO cheap and tasteless, even by the standards of the 1970s, it should at least have looked expensive!


And then Paul Newman had the nerve to blame Richard Chamberlain for the cheap wiring!


Simmons seemed to catch all the blame for the tower going wrong. Even though it was Duncan who pushed him into making cuts to the electrical budget, and seemed to cut corners elsewhere in the building ("Where did you save the other four million in Doug's original budget?"). Roberts later pointed out to Duncan the lack of firestops in the ducts, no fire doors in the corridors and nonworking sprinklers. All of those were out of Simmons's responsibility.
