Great Film

Cmon guys, this is a great movie and not one comment on it, whilst most new rubbish have really long threads. John Voight is brilliant in this film.


There have been several films that I have seen that cut real deep. The blade on the edge of this one was one of the most sharpest.
Frederick Fortsyth is a genius at capturing suspence.
Every chapter every paragraph every sentence until every word.
Jon Voigt was cast supremley as was his alias Edward Roshman.
From the start with the Perry Coma " White Christmas" until the Chateaux with Roshman makes it undoutabally a classic.
Dont make a remake.
You will mess it up big time!


This is a great film but the title song is called Christmas Dream by Perry Como. I'd be interested to know the name of the song that the veterans sing at the reunion.


I saw it along time ago and canot remember it, but I am watching it tonight.

"I am the Master, you will obey me!"


asw it last night! I too thought is was great! Well done!


Fantastic movie I saw as a kid on the giant screen. I'm the type of guy who's a sucker for big atmospheric settings like that pub scene (don't remember, was it during Octoberfest?) with all that rusticity, singing & beer steins. Incidentially I saw it double billed with 'The Black Windmill' another terrific old Euro-set thriller w/Michael Caine. Titles like Italian Job, Day of the Jackal, Tony Argenta, Marathon Man, Cold Sweat, Operation Daybreak, Ipcress File, Eiger Sanction, The Mechanic, Man on the Roof (even the lesser ones) Puppet on a Chain, Salsburg Connection, etc. were all the order of the day. Being a film buff growing up in the 70s, these were the best!

Ingredients from those films are being recaptured by younger filmmakers now (like with the Bourne movies).


I'm hoping to see The Odessa File tonight. I keep missing it whenever it pops up on TCM.

BTW, kenichiku, I've never heard of some of those titles you've listed above. However, I just read a few reviews here of films like Tony Arzenta, Operation Daybreak, The Man on the Roof, and The Black Windmill. They all sound excellent. Unfortunately, none of these titles are available on DVD. Whenever I get a few bucks, hopefully I can find a few VHS copy (or maybe they will show on TV in the future). Thanks for listing those titles.

"Dry your eyes baby, it's out of character."
