My mother and I were watching this tonight and she asked 'does the Easter beagle REALLY show up?' cuz it's been about 10 years since this was on TV and she didn't see it then, and I remembered Snoopy did come around with the eggs. It's kind of funny how they decided to make one of his delusions come to life in this cartoon, does anybody agree?
Well, considering the Easter Beagle is another Snoopy alias, like the Masked Marvel, can you be really surprised about this? Too bad he wasn't the Great Pumpkin either, then the whole gang would be sitting in the Pumpkin Patch with him.
Snoopy is the most annoying Deus Ex Machina ever made, and should've died on the table, OR at least remained a 'normal dog'. What he became was the ruin of the strip (and the cartoons to an extent). Way too much time is spent on him, when we COULD be exploring Pig-Pen's life or the dynamic between Lucy and.. I don't remember the name of the other girl, but whatever.
Oddly, 'Snoopy, Come Home' has a really good and poignant Charlie Brown-scene, but my point is, there could be SO much more of that.
In any case, I think it's always the right choice to stay true to the character and his confusion that creates shame, embarrasment and annoyance around him. Someone even said that the feminist's misandry against Linus was the funniest part of the 'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown'. I don't necessarily agree, but I kinda see the point from some point of view.
This cartoon shows us what it's like, when Linus' irrational beliefs and passion are rewarded.
It's.. boring.
I mean, this whole thing feels like: "Ok, here you are, you got what you wanted, see what it's like? Are you happy now that you ruined Linus and all his comedy potential? Are you happy now that you got your boredom?"
It's REALLY, really boring and not funny at all. Instead of getting a funny conflice of a 'woman scorned', we get a 'meh' of epic proportions. I know, oxymoron, but all we get is "oh, so you were right". I can almost hear the next thought, "So... what's on TV tonight?"
It becomes completely meaningless when it's so easily 'resolved'. It should eternally remain a 'conflice' between Linus' super deep conviction that's based on a misunderstanding, and all the strain, frustration, drama, confusion and pain that comes from that. But no, we get what the audiences wanted on a silver platter, and the result couldn't be "meh"er.
Snoopy should have been destroyed decades ago. I am GLAD no one is 'The Great Pumpkin', him being THAT would OBLITERATE all that's good!
I can't believe you people are this short-sighted.. you are like a kid that wants to eat candy instead of vegetables. There's a REASON why we shouldn't always get our instant gratification - all we really get from that is pain in the stomach and a sick feeling in the end, and we can't go back to eating the vegetables, it's too late. We would lose one of the greatest running gags in human history, and we could never get it back.
Maris should NEVER be shown. The little red-haired girl should NEVER have been shown - she looks very pedestrian, very ordinary, the mystery is destroyed, and we can't put the genie back in the bottle. Now we know what she looks like, and IT IS BORING!
Don't you see? When things are kept a mystery, when your lust for gratification is not fulfilled, but instead, kept alive, it keeps things more exciting and interesting, and this means - MORE ALIVE.
Once you solve every mystery, wrap everything in a neat bow, and make everything as pedestrian and boring as possible, you have nothing valuable left, all you have is MEH.
Do you really want the Great Pumpkin to be just ANOTHER costume for the most annoying swamp monster ever wrongly machined into existence? REALLY?
It not existing is the WHOLE POINT. It being Snoopy, EVERYTHING would soon be Snoopy, and then nothing would have ANY value or mystery about it. Is that what you REALLY want?!
I think this is a way to just 'give the audiences what they whined for' just so they can see how stupid and boring it is. It should not have been Snoopy or any 'beagle', it should've been some kind of easter BUNNY maybe, but even that's a bit stupid considering Linus ALREADY has the perfect 'The Great Pumpkin' myth self-created. That's all we need.
This shows how flat everything becomes when Linus blindly believes something that then actually happens. It's like .. "OK, it happened. Now what?"
It doesn't lead anywhere, the whole thing just ENDS abruptly right there. No lesson learned, no humor, no funny mix-up, no 'woman scorned' scene, just the stupid dog prancing around like an idiot and Charlie not getting an egg (who could've seen THAT coming..)
Then it just .. ends.
Conflict and mystery create excitement. Marcie failing those egg preparations every time is funny. Linus succeeding in keeping Sally on his good side is not funny. It's just boring.
The whole thing is so pedestrian, it's almost not worth watching. The eggs are just the ones Lucy painted, this is not interesting. Snoopy being the Great Pumpkin would be the last nail in the coffin.