MovieChat Forums > It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown! (1974) Discussion > Marcie's supposed to be smart, so why...

Marcie's supposed to be smart, so why...

I don't get this, Marcie is supposed to be the smarter one of the two, so how is it Peppermint Patty knows what to do with Easter eggs and Marcie doesn't?


I'm guessing Marcie's parents made her spend so much time studying she didn't have time for such activities as painting eggs.

Teach your friends the truth!


I don't think Marcy is supposed to be the smarter one, just the one who isn't afraid to do certain things, like when she is asked to sell tickets to a charity baseball game between Charile Brown and Peppermint Patty's teams and the charity is for stomach aches and she gets the door slammed in her face and she tells them in a Judge Duty way, "A STOMACH ACHE IS NO KIND OF CHARITY!" Who else in the Peanuts gang would say that? It could also be that maybe Marcy isn't used to holiday stuff since she isn't very social. For example, she hates baseball and football and doesn't want to participate. But it is funny when they have to keep buying eggs because Marcy *beep* it up each time.


There are two different kinds of smarts. Book smarts, which obviously Marcy is and Peppermint Patty isn't. And Street Smarts, or otherwise known as common sense smart. And I think that Marcy is book smart but she doesn't have street smarts. She's a very socially awkward person.

No matter the reason for her not knowing about how to cook Easter eggs isn't of particular importance. I love the whole plot line of her messing up the eggs. It's so funny! Best part of the whole special!!!!!


She's probably never celebrated Easter before. Cuz I've noticed that she's a bit clueless about the holiday period and not just about the concept of boiling eggs.


Maybe she's Jewish. Or Muslim. Or Buddist. Or a Jehovah's Witness.


Marcie is ready for her first day of culinary school. A student receives 12 eggs and must prepare them in 12 different ways on day one.

The interesting thing about this thread is that 1/3 of the posts take place in mid October of different years. Only half were posted during the normal time frame one might expect. The anomaly is in November.


Yeah that is a good question, but then again she always calls her sir so maybe she is not so bright after all.


There's 'book smart' and there's 'street smart'. Patty is the latter, so she knows how to 'function in the world', she knows the 'rules of the street', if you will (though in a bit watered-down way, because this is a cartoon).

Marcie knows only what books tell her, and she's awkward in the real world. She knows about sociel sciences, but she has no PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE of the world, so she stumbles and fumbles and doesn't know how to function in the world.

You could say Marcie has THEORETICAL knowledge and Patty's EXPERIENCE-based knowledge wins in real-life situations, regardless of how super smart Marcie may be.

Also, just because someone wears glasses, doesn't mean they are actually smart. I have never seen Marcie do or say anything all that smart in the strip or the cartoons, so even this claim is questionable. She may be good with the social stuff, or maybe she just has a small crush on Charlie Brown, so she feels compassion and empathy for him.

In any case, as Calvin's mother asks, 'How can a kid know so much and yet be so dumb?', while cleaning something Calvin accidentally broke on the floor because he was clumsy.

For those that don't know, 'dumb' referes to 'lack of wisdom', which could include 'street smarts', whereas 'stupid' refers to 'lack of intelligence', which could mean 'book smarts' in this case.

So, Marcie is intelligent, but dumb. Patty is stupid, but smart (opposite of dumb).
