Its ridiculous but anything is possible when the baby is in the womb forming if you take medication, drugs, it can have an effect on the baby. The effect could be as far as inbred effect.
I have an IQ of 142 and I feel compelled to weigh in on this issue. First of all, the intelligence quotient is just a measure of how smart you are in relation to other people. Maybe when you took the IQ test, the rest of the world was entering a phase of stupidity. Was it during the 2004 elections?
Really, if you're going to tout your IQ you should have something that no one else is packing. I don't like bringing up my IQ because there's always someone who'll trump my ace (that's why I learned to do one-handed push ups - a lot less people can do that). Unless you've got a strong flush like Marilyn vos Savant, it's best to just play your cards close to the table and let people decide if you're smarter. This is a surprisingly easy trick to pull off, because you just have to let the other person do most of the talking and then make fun of them.
Roe vs. Wade was decided in 1973, so if there was going to be a horror movie made about the repercussions of the Lady's Choice law, 1974 would have been the year. While "It's Alive" was no blockbuster, there is no denying the fact that it was made in 1974. It also deals with pregnancy, unwanted consequences of (attempted) contraception, and infanticide; so yes, the film does share some strong themes with pro-life sentimentalism.
In fact, a few other movies made in 1974 have motifs that tie them to the anti-abortionist movement. The movie "Earthquake" was a blockbuster hit in 1974 (#4 in the box office for the year). Roe vs. Wade could be called an earth-shaking decision, and "Earthquake" was if nothing else a movie about a mother (Earth) killing her children, the most unnatural act of all. So it seems probable that "Earthquake" was also fuel for the war machine known as the Pro Life movement.
And then there's "The Godfather II": #5 in the box office that year, it was replete with homicidal patriarchal figures, familial murder, and unambiguous moral positions on abortion and its effect on family life. If any movie has swayed the national psyche to follow the fascist dictates of Pro Lifers, it is probably this one.
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" also came out in 1974, but that movie was so clearly a protest against the senseless violence of Vietnam and the hopeless terror of a future dominated by the Cold War, that it seems silly to try to analyze it in terms of the anti-abortion movement (despite the obvious symbols, like the chicken skeleton in the bird cage or the fact that Leatherface is wearing a mask made of human skin!) - certainly it was not just a silly horror movie meant to net some filmmakers some money.
After looking at 1/3 of the top 10 movies that year, it's statistically clear that a careful analysis of other movies made in 1974 and succeeding years will reveal a virulent strain of anti-woman propaganda that has poisoned American movies for decades. Insignificant as they may be, "It's Alive" and its progeny are the most blatant and visible pox marks of a very serious disease. If we do not take care to inoculate audiences, hundreds if not thousands of people will be tricked into considering the possibility that abortion may not be good after all.
No, actually it was at three years of age, in 1970, that I had that IQ rating. In New Mexico. Where the labs are. I was three. Top 5 percentile in the state.
I don't know what it is now. Could be higher, probably lower, due to my own murder of my own brain cells.
I still like to think that I'm ok in the brain department.
I am definitely NOT anti-woman, as I AM a woman, not controlled or brainwashed by men or religion.
Good on you. Good post. And good on you for having a higher IQ. I only mentioned it because I was called a MORON.
I agree. But, time doesn't serve me, I believe my IQ came into question. Maybe not. I've have cancer for three years, and maybe I'm a little sensitive.
And, if you are, as you say, a ginsu victim, then you are the victim of a back alley butchery, and therefore, a GROWN WOMAN whose life means nothing to "pro lifers." Well, good on you! --------- Aagh; you're a HEDGE!
Have you ever stopped to think maybe you are trying to read too much into it? I mean, it's just a low budget horror flick. Just because you have a higher than average IQ (which any of us can say we have) does not mean you have a correct view of events. There are people with high IQ's on both ends of every spectrum: philosophy, politics, science, religion, etc. A high IQ is in many ways irrelevant to your view that this movie is pro-life, which means that only woman hating bigots could imagine it, and further means that women who attempt abortion by coat hangers and get infections contradict pro-life measures and is pro-life. I'm not pro-life but it's just a cheap horror flick, end of story.
It seems completely reasonable that pro-choice people could come up with an idea such as this, since it's pretty simple. I mean, giving birth to a mutant blood thirsty baby is different and scary, no matter what you think about abortion.
Also, a coat hanger and infection isn't pro-life, it's what the people who didn't believe in pro-life did when they weren't allowed to have legal abortions. And what people still do who either cannot afford it or want to have one after the legal time limit.
Also, how many people do you think actually came away from this film thinking "wow, abortion is really bad!" if anything they probably thought, "wow, they should have had an abortion!"
Lastly, this movie shouldn't scare you because in case you haven't noticed, even if does have a pro-life message it didn't make an impact. And, if anything, the writer (Larry Cohen) seems to have more liberal tendencies.
I think you are reading your own agenda into this film, it has more to do with Thalidomide being prescribed in the 50s and 60s than it does with women's rights, remember Women's Lib was in its early days. The child has an older brother, the father loses his job.
Its more like an infant Scanners than anything else.
Just had one of the policemen say "People without kids don't know how lucky they are" :-)
I just watched this movie over the weekend, and I guess I missed the part where they specified that birth control drugs were what caused the mutation. There was the scene where the head of some pharmaceutical company pressured the cop to see to it that the baby's body was destroyed so there could be no analysis, but when was it specified that birth control pills were the cause?
They never really draw a conclusion as to what caused the mutation of the baby. However, they DO speculate: genetics, pollution, radiation and medication are all mentioned as being possibilities. I'm not sure if either of the two sequels pinpoint an exact cause since I haven't seen them yet, but it is left obscured in this first film.
The OP is obsessed with this "pro-life" angle which is silly and paranoid. I am watching it now on TCM (again) and there is nothing to suggest it was written by some pro-life angle. Some people always look for some deeper meaning when in fact it's just a cheap, drive-in, horror flick.