This movie definately needs a remake.
I just saw this movie and was thinking that it was in desperate need of a remake. I hate remakes but I think this is a good example of a movie improving with new technology and an upgraded script.
The pacing of this movie was INCREADIBLY SLOOOOOOOOOW. Pick up the pace just a little bit and you've already improved this movie. For instance, the beginning of the film it takes WAY too long for the delivery. You would've thought they were going to get a haircut, not deliver a baby.
I hate to admit this but I think the baby does need to be CGI. The puppet was ok for 1974 but it was about as animated as a baby doll. The idea of keeping the baby in the shadows would be perfect. The problem with CGI is not so much the cartoonish aspect of it which is a bit of a problem. But most CGI movies focus too much on the CGI characters and you see so much of it, that you start watching the CGI character and not the film, it sticks out. Probably because the creators and directors are proud of their work and want to show it off, but then it becomes a distraction. Before, special effects were quick shots and you usually didn't see a whole lot of the monster because if you did, it looked fake, this concept worked beautifully because it made the monsters more mysterious and creepy.
Hopefully they won't ruin it by hiring 20 something perfect looking actors as the leads. Part of what made this believable was the family looked like any normal everyday family, not a family of supermodels!
Just my 2cents.