All signs point to killer mutant baby
Did anyone else think it was strange that given a room full of dead people and a missing baby, the hospital staff and police instantly jumped to the conclusion that the baby was a mutant, killed everyone in the delivery room except the mother and crawled up the wall and escaped through a skylight?
I'm just really confused. No one saw the baby (not even the mother), there's no other evidence that points to mutant baby, yet mere hours after the incident a doctor is saying, as if fact, that the baby "kills like an animal" and "must be destroyed," the police are on the lookout for a mutant baby, researches are inquiring about rights to study the baby once it's captured or killed, and it seems to be the news story of the year.
In what universe do people just assume killer mutant baby before any one of 100 way more logical explanations?
In the real world, even if there was an eye witness to the murders - you know, someone who saw a mutant baby come out of its mother's womb, kill five or six people and then climb up a wall and escape through a skylight - rational people would assume the witness was crazy or suffering from PTSD or something.
I mean I know this is a low budget horror movie from the 70s, but these are pretty ridiculous conclusion to jump to given the evidence.