It wasn´t clear at all from the action. Harry tells the horny wh*re: "I only have 100 dollars.", [which actually is a lot of dough in 74, like 500 bucks or more now] and the girl makes a U turn on the highway. Was that to drop him off or did they "do it"? It actually looks like something was cut out and missing, but in 1974 that was how some movies still dealt with sex. What happened is more important than it may seem: if they did make out, then he´s broke when she drops him off. Also it may change his attitude for the rest of his adventure. However he makes no mention of it after that scene.
I think they should have shown something more, so people aren't confused. If you read the novel version by Josh Greenfield, and Paul Mazursky, it does say they 'do it'. It even mention her pulling Harry's head to her chest. And the next morning, Harry comments on how much sex they've had the past night. It's one of the few things in the book that isn't included in the movie.
Why would Harry be in such giddy spirits, wearing a cowboy hat, and buying a drink at the bar with a big grin on his face if not in celebration of a little female companionship?
Watched it last night. She pulls off on a side road and parks at the top of a hill. Next scene, she's dropping him off at a casino in Vegas; Harry's napping in the car, but is in very good spirits when he wakes up.
Also, no one mentioned (I don't think)that when he awakens and debarks from the car he says something like "thank you, that was very sweet of you"...I believe that statement was more than about getting a ride to Vegas, don't you think?
I approve of the way it was handled, the subtley is tasteful, respectful. I would have considered it very undignified to go any further and there is enough implied there (as pointed out by others). I am no prude, but I feel I would have lost a little bit of respect for the character of Harry if I had to see his wrinkled, bare white a** humping a call girl, or worse yet, seeing his nozzle protruding in his slacks. I cannot believe he could actually get it up, but the eating the bananas was sufficient foreshadowing for me. I also concur that she did not charge him a dime....after all he did have enough scratch to buy a couple of drinks (one was on the cuff probably at the craps know casinos will give you all the free drinks you want as long as you are gambling) and lay down a small bet on the pass line (probably the table minimum).
I honestly can't believe that there are people out there who actually found that scene vague or confusing.
Unfortuntaely, nowadays too many people need everything spelled out in graphic detail. The way it was handled in the film was perfect; sweet and funny.
The smile on Harry's face and his rejuvenation tells me it happened. I think that scene was a pivotal point in the movie. Before that scene Harry talked about getting old, his will, all of his friends dying. But after the hooker encounter he seemed to feel 20 years younger and his outlook on life had changed to a more living than dying attitude. He wanted to try the swimming pool out, he didn't care what people thought if he didn't shave and he nurtured his LA son for his future.
Sex is a reoccurring theme through out this great movie. His friend recalls his first experience 50 years prior, his son wants to get layed, his other son wants to visit the commune. I feel this is a very interesting theme….while so much changes as we get older, the desire and the importance of sex is with us our entire life. Hey a great thing to look forward to as we all count down to the end!
The minute Harry says that "all he has is 100 dollars"...she pulls off the road and, to the tune of "Love is a Very Splendered Thing", drive UP a little hill in the distance. Next scene, she drops off Harry, who's contentedly sleeping, in front of a casino.
Mazursky's meaning couldn't have been more obvious if he inserted a title card reading "Harry gets laid by the hooker"....