The most annoying performance in the history of film.
After watching Mia Farrow whine through this movie, I never wanted to see it again. Fortunately, Daisy is far better in the new version.
shareAfter watching Mia Farrow whine through this movie, I never wanted to see it again. Fortunately, Daisy is far better in the new version.
shareMulligan looks like the hired help in Daisy's house. She was a travesty and she can't act to save a small kitten's life.
Mia was a far better Daisy even if she fell short by a large margin.
LOL You have to be kidding! Mia was terrible! Watch the confrontation scene at the hotel. That sob! So ridiculous, thought I was watching a comedy!
shareAs opposed to Mulligoon trying to light a cigarette? It looked so unnatural, like she saw it in some other movie and tried to copy it.
I thought I was watching comedy when I saw every one swooning over Mulligoon. At least Mia looked beautiful.
It made me never want to see FARROW again. But I`ll have to cuz, for one thing, Rosemary`s Baby happens to be this incredibly rewatchable masterpiece... and, actually, Farrow`s quite tolerable there, all things considered. And don`t look like a total hag they way she does in Gatsby, either.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan
Well, that's certainly a different impression than I came away with – I loved Daisy/Farrow by the end!! And I didn't even particularly like the movie (though I would have liked it more if there weren't so many gross or bloody scenes in it)!
Please excuse typos/funny wording; I use speech-recognition that doesn't always recognize!
I don't like either Farrow or Mulligan as Daisy. However, Mulligan at least plays the role with a credible Louisville accent, while Farrow doesn't. Daisy and Jordan were both from Louisville and both should have been played with an upper class Mid-Southern accent.
shareFortunately, Daisy is far better in the new version.Can only nod my head in agreement.🐭 share