MovieChat Forums > The Godfather Part II (1974) Discussion > Why does Roth want Michael dead ?

Why does Roth want Michael dead ?

It never made sense to me that Roth would approve of an effort to kill Michael. It seems like it would be in his best interest to have Michael around. As Michael said himself, Roth treats him like a son. Wouldn't Roth like the notion of Michael eventually running the whole show, while he simply sat on the sidelines collecting dividends from the casinos ?

Obviously, Roth won't be alive too much longer, so I would think that would be the perfect way to live out the rest of his semi-retirement. Michael would never have any intentions of having Roth killed. That's not the type of way of doing business which Michael wants. And he would be able to see that it would be best to just keep him around until he died. And I would think that Ross would be able to see that about Michael, and not think of having Michael killed simply out of fear for his own life.

So why did he try to have Michael killed ?


I always wondered that myself, but figured that despite his saying otherwise, it was retaliation for having Mo Greene rubbed out.


Not sure about this Ross character, but Hyman Roth wanted to kill Michael because Michael was not fully cooperating with their plans in Cuba. We learn this from Fredo back at the Nevada house after Michaels testimony to the Senate. Even before going to Havana and seeing the Revolutionaries first hand, Michael had a bad feeling about doing business in Cuba. Roth's plan was to have Michael taken out, and with Fredo in charge they could guarantee full Corleone support. Moe Green had nothing to do with it. While Roth didn't like that Michael had Moe killed, he made it clear in his famous speech that he wouldn't let it interfere with business.


Yes, meant Roth, not "Ross". I was literally speaking to a friend named Ross just before typing that post. I swear, I'm totally serious. haha ; I corrected it.

Anyway - yes, that seems to be the best reason for it, and that is what Fredo says to him ("they just said you were being difficult..."). So, yes, it does make sense that he would rather have Fredo in charge than Michael.

But even with that, I would think Roth would still think Michael was only being cautious and that he would ultimately come around.

But yes, I can see his reasoning.

...and I wouldn't have thought of it as revenge for Mo Green. You could tell he was being truthful when he said "I said, this is the business we chose. Just let it go.".

And I would think if he was holding a grudge about Mo he would have done something about it by then.


...and I wouldn't have thought of it as revenge for Mo Green. You could tell he was being truthful when he said "I said, this is the business we chose. Just let it go.".

Yes, Roth did say that.

Roth also expressed shock that a Michael was almost killed in the attack (the one he himself orchestrated).

Roth also said what he and Michael would accomplish in Cuba would be legendary.

In other words, Duffman says a lot of things!!!


There was no reason for Hyman Roth to bring up Moe Greene if he was planning on using it for revenge on Michael. If anything it would have tipped Michael off as to who tried to kill him. As far as Hyman knew, Michael was in Havana, and Fredo had brought the money that day. While Michael may have been having 2nd thoughts, Roth had to believe that the odds were in favor of them not leaving Cuba without making a deal. Roth was basically telling Michael "I killed an old friend of your fathers because he was interfering with the Rosato Brothers. Just like you liked you killed a man I thought the world of because he was interfering with your plans in Nevada. But nether affected the business we're doing here and now so lets just forget about both. "

Roth did truly believe they would be doing business in Cuba and make a fortune. He said this after Michael had survived the hit attempt, and he thought Michael was back on board with the plan.


There was no reason for Hyman Roth to bring up Moe Greene if he was planning on using it for revenge on Michael. If anything it would have tipped Michael off as to who tried to kill him.

But Michael did suspect Hyman Roth, and maybe it was his mentioning Mo Greene that did it.


Michael already KNEW that Hyman Roth tried to kill him. He said so to Fredo and Frankie. Ad while also "says a lot of things" we know this is true because he already had his plan in motion to kill Roth and Johnny Ola.

He also knew the Roth had ordered the death of Frankie Pantangelli. Michael just wanted Roth to admit it and explain why. Roth used Moe Greene as an example of why to shouldn't ask questions like that.


Simple, he's a Corleone and could whack anyone he wanted.


My interpretation is for 2 reasons:

1) He was stalling the deal however Fredo was all for it so if Michael is dead Fredo becomes head of the family and therefore the deal can proceed
2) Vengeance for the death of Moe Greene.


Because Roth had resentment towards Michael over Moe Greene's murder. He never "let it go" as he, interestingly enough, lies to Michael's face that Moe's death "had nothing to do with business. In the end, it's always personal.
