6.5 WTF?

Why is this so overrated in imdb?, it's not any good, maybe it's just OK. Don't believe this is a forgotten horror classic, is cheesy and boring.

"I'd give my life to be dead"
Dellamorte Dellamore aka Cemetery Man (1994)


Perhaps it's just a matter of opinion? The REALLY bad films tend to get low points. So this one can't be that bad.


u really cant listen to ratings or critics.lots of times if thry get good ratings i dont like it or if a movie gets a bad review i might love it. i goto imdb and listen to feedback its much more reliable.but in the end its still personal taste.


I totally agree with you.Its personal taste


Well, fortunately many IMDB voters can distinguish some genuinely well crafted and intelligently written films, who are not very well known and can be described as cult films to some extent. Deranged has those trademarks, basically designed for fans of the obscure and I, for one, like it very much. 6.5 is rather low a grade if you ask me.


Its a bril film from the golden age of horror, films like this don't get made any more there less tame more Hollywood glitter films, fancy effects and lose alot of there fright factor this film shows some shocking horror its dated but that's part of its charm its scary and i feel deserves more respect than it gets its a cult classic .

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I thought it was OK, but Ed Gein, made a few years ago, was a bit closer to what really happened. Ofcourse, even a few of the events at the end of THAT one were altered.


The movie Ed Gein was worse then this movie...


This movie rules! Roberts Blossom is a genius. Plus, it has some really funny lines. I also like the weird commentator dude who wanders in from time to time.


I re-watched Deranged recently and I must say that even though the film plays with the some of the actual details of the Gein case I came away feeling like Robert Blossom's Ezra Cobb really nailed the warped naivete of Ed Gein in a way which I've never seen before or since.

I think Deranged is a worthy and interesting film based solely on the merit of Blossom's performance. Also, it was nice seeing Barry Convex from Videodrome wandering around, telling us about old "Ez."


I agree, Roberts Blossom's performance was brilliant. He also bore an eerie resemblance to the real Ed Gein.


I was so surprised to read that you though 6.5 was too high of a rating for this film. I DO NOT feel like 6.5 is too high for "Deranged", if anything it is too low. It's the best film to be made that has stcuk close to the details of the life and crimes of Ed Gein. I'm guessing that you are possibly more of a fan of modern movies and not a big fan of classic exploitation cinema (from the 1960's - 1984).


I too liked this film and Blossom's performance.. Just got done with it for the first time 5 minutes ago. For being made when it was and comparing it to the current film Ed Gein, I actually liked this one better.
Ed Gein came off more as a TV movie kind of thing, While the low budget of Deranged added a gritty feel. I'm just hoping the the new film on Albert fish is better than Gein, Bundy and Dahmer.


None of yew have any taste!

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.




'yew' can't spell
What about a Giant Midget? He'd be about 5'11". Totally dangerous.


I guess I read it the other way, because I agree with you. I think Roberts Blossom was phenomenal and the movie deserves higher.


This film deserves a far higher rating than a 6.5. The O.P. is a clown.


I agree completely, this film is excellent horror and deserves a higher rating.


It may not be a forgotten horror classic, but it's still alright. Yeah it's cheesy, and it could be boring in a way, but I mean, it's worthy of a 6.5, or, at least a 5-6 for sure.

"Welcome to Errf" - Will Smith


I gave it 6/10. Compared to Texas Chainsaw Massacre it looks retro.

I see undead people...


It is a terrific movie, great central performance, creepy atmopshere and a nice touch of black humour.
6.5 is low


This movie was a big disappointment for me and 6.5 is just about right.


I'd also say 6.5 is fair. I gave this a 7, which the biggest bloc of voters gave it here. A lot of 8s and 6s for this film also, which shows that most folks liked it. I hate when people try to stack the deck with 1s or 10s, which are knee-jerk votes.


this is the best version of ed gein out there. i know its not an absolute accurate rendition of his life, but its by far the best one. how can any fan of horror not like this movie? gave it a 9.


I gave it an 8 and think 6.5 is a little low. I really enjoyed the movie and it managed to creep me out several times, plus Roberts Blossom was excellent. I also like the black humor and structure of the film. It is NOT as good as Texas Chainsaw Massacre (which I rated 10), but I thought it was still great in its own way.
