MovieChat Forums > Chi sei? (1975) Discussion > Boring.............+shy;..........!!!


In a Homer tone of voice :

Boring............. ..........!!!!

I wasted my time watching this crap.

My recommendation : Don't waste your time!!!


When this came out I was a kid and they had a commercial that started with some demonic female turning towards the camera saying 'Who arrrre youuuu?'

Scared me to death. The bad thing was you didn't have time to leave the room or whatever. There you were watching a commercial for Quisp cereal and the next thing a demon was hissing at you.

I've never watched this film and never will...but its commercial left a lasting impression on me at age 12. LOL.


Man, I had the EXACT same experience with that commercial when I was a kid. It scared me so bad that I couldn't sleep at night, literally. That voice saying "Whooo are Yoooou!" stuck in my head for years! It messed me up so bad that I wouldn't go see ANY horror film until I was well into my teens.

I did finally get a chance to see Beyond The Door a few years ago, and man it's a terrible movie. Really, really bad. But the scene where Juliet Mills says "Who are you?" still gave me the chills. As it turns out, the demon in Juliet Mills is quoting the catepillar from Alice in Wonderland when it says "Who are you?" It's a little less scary when you know that.

It's neat to know that someone else out there was affected the same way by that commercial that I was.

Man, Quisp cereal brings back memories, too....


Y'know...Even after 30 years of horror movie experiences since then, that damn poster still reaches into places within me that leaves me a frightened little boy again! As bad as the film is,(and boy is it!) I still wish they'd release it on dvd, just to see that trailer again!


Me too, guys... Scared me to death... I guess I was about 8 (born in 67). My twelve year old cousin had the same reaction.

I'd bet there are many more like us.. maybe we should start a club.


Yeah, the 'Who are you?' club! I thought I was the only one all these years...


I'll never stop being amazed at how the IMDB can bring people together! Long ago, one bright Saturday afternoon, I, then a wittle bitty boy, sat innocently watching Shazam. Suddenly on the TV popped a horrid woman with a deep voice growling, "Whoooo are youuuuuu!" I jumped up from my sofa and ran to the safety of my mum and sister on the other side of the house!
Back in those days they used to run huge ads for the movies in Sunday's paper. I remember staring at that horrid face for hours. I was horrified but also fascinated at the same time.


Wow, from Quisp Cereal, Shazam, and now, for my cheesy seventies flashback:
Picture this everyone, you're watching tv, and something safe, mind King Kong Escapes, then the commercial break kicks in, and you're already aware of that evil Beyond The Door commercial you want to avoid like the plague, you brace yourself, and then, it's the new MEGO action figures of 75! Whoo-Hoo!! You find yourself mesmerized by how cool the Lizard and Falcon will look with your Spidey and Cap, when all of a sudden, Who ARE YOU?! creeps out of the screen, you're zapped with fear of all fears, and you can never seem to retreat fast enough from the living room!

And my god, Sheridan, weren't the sundays just ghastly? I just wanted to get to Steve Canyon and/or the Sagendorf Popeye, but I had to prove my manhood first by thumbing thru movie ads and stomaching that image...again!
Yknow, in retrospect, it was like recon missions to build your stamina for future horror movie missions, like the Excorsist, or Dawn Of The Dead...

Made me the man I am today!


Man, it's so cool to know that there are so many of us. Talk about an awesomely effective trailer for a terrible movie! Speaking of which: I haven't seen 'Emily Rose' yet, but the trailer is the closest thing to the 'Beyond The Door' trailer that I've seen in 30 years. Anyone else agree?


I haven't seen it yet but will definitely check it out! Thanks.


Check it out, Sacredite, Sheridan, ...It really pays off!

Hey, I just found out. There IS a version of Beyond with 15 more minutes, which explains(allegedly)some continuity questions, et al....Sadly, the only thing I've found was a rough, video transfer from retroflicks...still bought it, though....


As in scares? Naah. Doesn't freak me out, 1 iota. Simply because I'm older, I guess.
The Hellraiser trailers are freakier. C'mon if Pinhead appeared on the tube during a run of Pink Panther toons, in `75 you'd be runnin' for your mommy. Emily? Naah. Not as scary.


born in 68, and yes this commercial scared the crap out of me! between this and Magic "Abra cadabra I sent on his knee.....magic is fun, when you're dead"

They really knew how to do the scary commercials in the 70s. and these two both started without any kind of warning


The TV ad for this movie scared all the kids in my neighborhood. I never saw it on daytime TV, it always seemed to play at night, like right after i went to bed. I would sneak up and watch it. My dad would fall asleep on the couch with the TV on, so I'd get woken up at 3 AM by WHHOO ARRE YOOU and BEYOND THE DOOR in that creepy voice. Scary! I did eventually see the movie, and it is really really bad. I still bought it on VHS, as I've been fascinated by it all my life, in spite of it's badness. I even bought the movie poster on ebay! That horrid face and scary light from the hapf open door is too good to resist! I just checked the Code Red website for information on the DVD release, but it's under construction. Can't wait to see the trailer again!


Dude, I've posted three links to all of the Code Red info. The Juliet Mills doing a commentary with photos is on the "blog" sections of both the Code Red Wabsite and the MySpace page:

. . . and this YouTube post of the T.V. ad:

I had a similar childhood experience to yours, but, unlike you, I think that the movie was pure inadvertant, serendipitous genius. I love the movie, and it screws with me easily as much as the ad.


I too was scared to death of this commercial as a kid. I was about 7 or 8 and it gave me nightmares. Just seeing the poster on the IMDB listing freaked me out.

I remember as a kid going to see some G Rated movie and the theater showed the trailer for Dawn of the Dead...I didn't sleep at all that night.

The only reason I came across this thread today is that I just happened to tell someone the other day how much this commercial scared the crap out of me, so I decided to look it up.

A few years later was another winner of a commercial...Suspiria! You can see that trailer here...
It doesn't seem like the movie is very scary, but the trailer still makes me nervous...

By the way, Quisp cereal is on sale again in some areas and it tastes just as good now as it did back then!


JUST got my copy of the trailer today, thanks to a lil' info from Deeecraig (thanks, man!) And boy, is it NICE! and nostalgic, too...(it's cut REALLY nice!)

Funny, how no matter what year it is, or how much mileage you've been thru, a single thought and/or image can take you right back to the beginning...

Scared silly.....again!

Now, to build my nerve to face the next rite of childhood horror passage: The Susperia trailer...(thanks, J E Longo!)


No problem, myan. The infamous "Roses are red/Skeleton Girl" Suspiria trailer is on the Suspiria DVD, and it never quite scared me the way the one for Chi Sei? did back in the day (but, make no mistake, it still scared me).


I thought I was the only person who was scared to death by that preview! They always seemed to come on at night right after the local news, right before bedtime. I rented that movie a few years ago and laughed at when I saw the scenes that scared me when I was a kid. Still, a pretty creepy movie.


I thought, "It's Alive",The one where you see the baby carriage or crib from the back in dim light of course,and the camera's slowly panning to the front as the narrarator is talking about a parent's joy of a newborn child,while a childlike tune is playing the usual jack-in-the-box like melody, and then....! Remember that one? Audrey Rose, looked cool, I heard the movie sucked. Never have seen it. Reincarnation movies always kinda irritate me. I liked "It's Alive", though.That monster baby was too cool! Kinda looked like Nosferatu! HA!


I was afraid of the ads for both "Chi Sei?/Beyond the Door" and "It's Alive." I can watch "It's Alive" very easily; I can't deal with "Chi Sei?" very well yet. Any tips?


Hey, Deeeecraig!
Longtime no type, man! As for tips on handling either, all i can say is you better prep yourself soon, brutha....Look what i JUST stumbled onto:

"Code Red DVD has signed with Ovidio G. Assonitis (aka Oliver Hellman) to finally put the 1974 box-office hit BEYOND THE DOOR (aka CHI SEI?) out on DVD in 2007. Assonitis directed this under the name Oliver Hellman and the film was co-directed by Robert Barrett (aka Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli). Assonitis is excited that his film will finally be available un-cut in America, and hopefully he will be 100% involved with the DVD when scheduling permits. The DVD will include the famous flute scene that is missing in the U.S. version! More news to come in the future, as we are told this is Part 1 of the Ovidio Assonitis collection."

Flute scene?!
~Lucha D.


THAT ROOOOOOOCKS!! "Dimitri-Dimitri-you miserable slave-blah-blah-blah-10 more years-blah-blah-blah . . ."

What is the "Flute Scene?" Where did you get the great info?

I'm also a "Tentacoli" fan, as well. So is Code Red going to do a deluxe version for the "Collection" now that MGM's 2-fer with "Empire of the Ants" is out-of-print?

Kick Assonitis!! He has finally stopped disowning his movies!!


hell yeah!! i remember seeing this back in the 70' did leave an impression on Cronenbergs "It came from Within"


yeah, that's another. Right on.



Mannnnnnnnn!! My mother almost sent me to a shrink because I was so freaked out by the Newspaper and T.V. ads for this movie. I still am working with my therapist on watching it. I bought a dub, and can only get through it if I listen to the audio only. Juliet/Jessica's so horrid looking!!

By contrast, I have watched the original "Exorcist" innumerable times.

Three years ago, I woke up early and was watching American Movie Classics, and this documentary, "Bride of Monster-Mania," was on. Sure enough, there's possessed Juliet/Jessica looking all ugly and freaky!! I had the same reaction that I had when I was 7.

I had the same childhood experience: I'd be watching "The New Mickey Mouse Club," or some similar innocuous kid's entertainment, and, all of the sudden, either the "Who Are you?," or the "Spinning Head" version of the T.V. ad would appear and scare the consciousness out of you.

I'll occasionaly watch the Soap Opera "Passions," and I'll just look and look at Juliet for any resemlance to the image from the poster or movie, and it just doesn't register very strong. Go figure.

It's nice to know I'm not alone, doods.


This is the first time I've ever posted to a message board. But this is too much of a surprise to not comment on. I just happened to be bored getting ready to leave work when I thought I'd look online for any reference to the trailer for this movie. I was born in '71, so I had to be about 3 or 4 when I saw this (I wonder how long this ad ran - probably a shorter time than I remember). There were a couple of other commercials for local horror TV shows at the time that would scare me a little, but they gave me time to leave the room. This always seemed to catch me by surprise. The way I remember it was a face on a black and white screen saying something like "ooooaaaahhhhh" in a deep voice, really drawing it out and getting louder toward the end. Kind of like a cross between a groan and a growl. I haven't seen this since this then, but I imagine it would have a similar effect, whether or not the movie's any good. Wow - I guess I wasn't the only one.



That ad ran for years. Before the V.C.R. was in affordable proliferation, movies like this syndicated throughout the drive-in circuit, and would come in and out of town for years. No sooner did I start to trust watching the T.V. with my guard down, than "Whoooo are youuuu" would come on the T.V. and rocket me out of the room with a near-heart attack.


See? now, it's killing me. I gotta see that trailer again.
Is there ANYONE out there with access to the original trailer and/or possible leads to where anyone can find it? Please email me at my website:

Ok gang, let's see what kinda fish bite.


It's on a videotape called "Dusk to Dawn Drive-In Trash-O-Rama," which you might be able to rent at Wild and Wooly Video in Louisville. It's also on some recent horror DVD, according to my local cult movie expert. I don't know which one. You might try either Image's "Something Weird" series, or Mike Vraney's own "Something Weird" DVR's.

Also, Image uses scenes from "Chi Sei" on a DVD called "Bride of Monster Mania," which may have the trailer on it.

Good luck.
