Ahh...what exactly happened in this movie?? SPOILER ALERT
This is one of only a handful of films I've watched where it ended and I still didn't know what the heck happened.
So let me get this straight: Jessica used to be with Dimitri and then ten years later, Dimitri reappears and she is suddenly pregnant. But Dimitri is dead and has been for ten years, 'the devil' sent him forward in time to try and save his own life by bringing Jessica's demonic baby into the world.
So why does the demon in Jessica react angrily when Dimitri arrives at the house? It seems to hate him, but wasn't it the demon who sent him there in the first place? Why did it need Dimitri?
And what happens at the very end of the movie...the doctor finds a baby in the room and it has no mouth, and meanwhile Dimitri is back in the car wreck, dead for real this time.
Now here's the really dumb question: WHY? All of that voiceover stuff where the devil's voice is supposed to be talking to Dimitri, it seems to have a reason for doing all of this. What was the point?
I usually like movies like "Beyond the Door", but I watched the new Code Red DVD last night and absolutely hated the experience. This may be a case of a film where material was cut out of it and it belonged on the cutting room floor. I remember liking the movie a little bit more before I saw the uncut version.