If you have the full-frame DVD, don't pass judgement yet!
This was one of those great, schlocky horror films from the 70's, that suffers greatly from a full-frame transfer. Prior to me knowing that there would be a US widescreen release of this film, I had bought the full-frame DVD from EBay---it's an absolutely horrid representation of this film. This DVD looked as bad or worse than a VHS tape---super, super grainy, poor imaging, bad sound---overall, I would have to say that it's probably the worst DVD transfer of a film I have ever seen. Now granted, we're not talking "Hamlet" or "Schindler's List" here in way of content----it is a rather cheesy horror film, but it is done with a lot of flair, and does deliver some genuine scares, and is really a lot of fun. However, you'd never know it from the full-frame presentation----I actually had a few friends over to watch it, and they said that it almost looked like an old porn movie. So, so sad, because if people bought or rented the full-frame version, they're really not seeing the true film as it was meant to be seen. Please, if you haven't seen it, or have the full-frame DVD and thought the movie was crap, please wait for the Code Red release that will be the uncut version, widescreen----you will be amazed at how much better the film comes across---because it really is a good little horror gem!